Earth Bending training

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3rd person point of view:

In a rocky quarry within the southeastern Earth kingdom, Aang awakes from his sleep, excited that today is the day he will finally commence his earth bending with Toph, waking up a weary Katara and a cranky Sokka in the process and tried to wake Y/N who was still in his costume, but he didn't wake up for some reason so Aang left him alone. After Toph also awakens, bursting from her stone tent, Aang greets her as his sifu however, the formal greeting makes Katara jealous, considering Aang has never referred to her as such. The Avatar enthusiastically questions what high-level techniques he is to learn first, only to have Toph reply that they will start by learning simply how to move a rock.

Aang's point of view:

Later Toph and I went to another part of the canyon where we are standing in front of two rocks as Katara watches from a far.

Toph: The key to earth bending is your stance. You've got to be steady and strong. Rock is a stubborn element. If you're going to move it, you've got to be like a rock yourself.

Aang: Like a rock. Got it.

Toph: Good. Now the actual motion of this one is pretty simple.

Then she slams the rock against the canyon wall.

Toph: Okay, you ready to give it a try?

Aang: I'm ready.

Then I try to move it, but instead I'm forced backward into Appa.

Sokka: Rock beats airbender!

Then I woke up with a hand behind my head and see Katara and Toph were standing next to the boulder I tried to move.

Katara: I don't understand what went wrong. He did it exactly the way you did.

Aang: Maybe there's another way ... what if I came at the boulder from another angle?

Toph: No. That's the problem. You've got to stop thinking like an airbender. There's no different angle, no clever solution, no trickety-trick that's going to move that rock. You've got to face it head on. And when I say head on, I mean like this ...

Then she jumps up and destroys the rock with her head.

Aang: Whoa!

Toph begins to walk away, but Katara stops her.

Katara: I've been training Aang for a while now. He really responds well to a positive teaching experience. Lots of encouragement and praise. Kind words. If he's doing something wrong, maybe a gentle nudge in the right direction.

Toph: Thanks, Katara. A gentle nudge. I'll try that.

Than moments later.

Toph: Keep your knees high, Twinkle Toes!

She said this while I was carrying a large rock on his back and struggling to hold it up Then Toph stomped down and caused pillars of rock to rise underneath my feet as I'm walking which caused me to lose my balance and fall off then The next thing she did was digging through rock with her fingers and I rubbed my hands together and tried to do the same thing, but I smashed my hand against the rock and grunted in pain.

Toph: Rock-like!

Then I was holding a solid stance without losing my own balance and Toph appears on a pillar near me and nods then I was smiling knowing that I finally was getting the hang of it.

Iroh's point of view:

I was having a flashback in a dream about Lu Ten who pretends to fire bend at me, but i fake a groan and fall over.

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