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3rd person point of view:

Even after the revelation of the Fire Nation's conquering of Omashu, Aang still insists, despite Sokka and Katara's reservations, on entering the city in search of Bumi; Aang feels he has a duty to find and rescue his friend. After entering through the sewers to remain unnoticed by the guards, they emerge into the street, and Sokka finds purple pentapi attached to his face; removing them leaves prominent red marks on his skin. As Aang removes the last one, Fire Nation soldiers approach them, accusing them of breaking curfew. Noticing the blotches, the guards inquire as to how Sokka received them, and Katara invents a cover story, telling them that they are a result of a highly contagious and deadly disease called pentapox. Believing the story, and not wanting to catch it themselves, they flee.

Y/N point of view:

I have arrived into the recently conquered Omashu and would go into the streets in search of answers of what's going on and how would i destroy this colony until.

Fire nation solider: Hey, what are you doing here, Put your hands up

Y/N: As you wish.

I then sent ice towards the soldiers and it froze their bodies in one go, the soldier on the left was completely frozen while the one on the right only had his body frozen his head was still unfrozen, he eyed me as i walked over to his friend and took out my sais and looked at the frozen soldier for a second before I sliced him in half the still living soldier cried out in vengeance for my death to by painful only to be shut up by having his head frozen, After freezing his head I walked up to him to finish the job. I grabbed the soldier's head and said my finale words to him.

Y/N: I will make sure the Fire Nation never forgets the mistakes it's made when i began the war.

I then ripped off the soldier's head and threw it to the ground shattering it like glass then I went up the house to see that there were fire nation soldiers running away from what it looked like from a far by a group of kids.

Katara point of view:

After we were finished with fire nation soldiers, someone showed up from above with a blue costume and a mask on his face and a hood covering his head as well.

???: What is your purpose here.

Then Aang being himself went and told him.

Aang: We are looking for the ruler of Omashu who we think was captured.

???: Then it is none of my concern.

Katara: Who are you?

???: In war, no one has a name.

Sokka: Look here buddy, as the leader I am, we are trying to stop the fire nation and we don't need any of your stupidity with us so just go back ho—.

Before Sokka could finish he was being choked then he was getting close to the mysterious figure.

???: Actually it's you who doesn't understand the consequences of the war. The fire nation murdered families, tortured people and broke people both mentally and physically, and I am the doing the world a favor by getting rid of them, while the avatar is on his so called vacation.

Then he let go of Sokka while Aang and I came close to him.

Katara: The avatar is right here.

Then I pointed at Aang to tell him that he is the avatar and that there is hope.

???: That little kid is the avatar?

Aang: Ya that's me.

???: Our hope and so called savior of the world is a little kid.

Toph Beifong x Male Sub Zero ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now