Tale of Ba Sing Se (Short)

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Y/N's point of view:

I had woken up from my sleep without my costume on except for my boxers on me then i went to brush my teeth and clean my costume, but today i was feeling very empty on the inside then i finished preparing for the day with my costume on and sai's on their postions then i left the hotel and was walking around Ba Sing Sei and everyone was giving me weird looks, but why blame them then i hear a little kid crying then i was going to confront him until i see a old man sing to him.

???: Leaves from the vine, falling so slow. Like fragile, tiny shells, drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy, come marching home. Brave soldier boy, comes marching home.

Then when i was focusing on the old man, i realized it was the fire bender who was working for Prince Zuko, but i decided to let him go for now and mind my own business then i continued on my way until i noticed two agents of sorts following me so i decided to go into an alley and hide in the shadows and as i expected, i was being then i grabbed one of them and punched his face knocking him unconscious while his comrade was in fear then when he turned around, i brought out my sai and it was surrounding his neck and i told him.

Y/N: Tell your superior that if i find one of his men following me again, all of you will wish for death, got it?

Then he nodded and i let him go while i continued on my way to the streets of Ba Sing Sei then i made it to a shop which had flowers in them then i asked the owner.

Y/N: Hey, how much for the dark blue flowers in the pot over there?

Owner: 5 sliver coins.

Then i picked up the pot of flowers and gave the guy 10 gold coins.

Y/N: Keep the rest.

Then i left the shop and i was checking on what the time is then i see that there is in hour left before sunset then i made it to a hill and there was 5 minutes before sunset then i put the pot of flowers on the ground and took out my pouch and poured all the water in the flower and returned it to my pocket then took out my sai's and stabbed the both of them onto the ground and removed my hood and mask to fully respect her in my grieving.

Y/N: Hey Aunt Kya, hope you're doing fine in the afterlife and all that, many things happened to me ever since you passed, some you will call good and some you will be disappointed in, but you know that in the end it won't matter.

Then i started to cry with tears coming out from my eyes while i was choking on my own words from the very words that are coming out.

Y/N: If... If.... If only i was strong enough..... to save you, then maybe.... Things would have been different, I'm sorry, it's just i don't deserve happiness and this is my punishment, eternal pain. I can never count on being happy.

Then i heard footsteps coming then i took out the tears from my eyes and grabbed my sai's and put on my hood and masked.

Y/N: See you in the afterlife Auntie.

Then i followed the footsteps and hid myself so i won't get caught then i turn my head slightly to see that it's the old man then when i was about to get ready to kill him i hear him say.

???: Happy birthday, my son.

Wait, the old man had family?

???: If only I could have helped you. Leaves from the vine, falling so slow. Like fragile, tiny shells, drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy, come marching home. Brave soldier boy, comes marching home.

So he lost his son, hmph, i will allow to have your tender moment with your own mistakes then i started to leave the old man and went back to my apartment and removed my upper clothes and went to the bathroom to look at myself at the mirror but all i saw was all the bloodshed i caused and me covered in it then i asked myself.

Y/N: Am i the bad guy in this story or the hero who does the necessary evil, no matter, all i need to do is find Azula and burn her to the ground.

then i brushed my teeth and left to go sleep.

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