The Chase

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Y/N's point of view:

We were in Appa and now we have finally found some land to make camp for the night and we were now getting off of Appa.

Toph: Hey! You guys picked a great campsite. The grass is so soft.

Sokka: That's not grass.

Katara: Oh, gross!

Then I turn to see Aang sitting on Appa, a bluebird perched on his head and a yellow butterfly fluttering past while Momo jumps up in an attempt to catch the butterfly.

Aang: That's not gross, it's just a part of spring! You know, rebirth, flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat.

Katara: Ah, the beauty of spring.

Y/N: Will you stop complaining, your giving me a headache, annoying brat.

Sokka: Wow, thanks for killing the mood Y/N.

Appa, who was currently been grooming himself, sneezes, releasing a thick cloud of fur.

Katara: Stop! Appa, stop! Ugh.

Then she started coughing and Sokka said.

Sokka: It's not that bad, Katara.

Then he turns his back around to reveal a wig made of fur, done up in a towering beehive.

Sokka: It makes a great wig!

Aang: And a great beard!

Aang and Sokka start to laugh while pointing at each other Imbeciles while Katara was wiping the fur off her cloths she said.

Katara: I'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group, because you two are disgusting.

Then Toph who was walking up from behind the two boys.

Toph: Excuse me, does anyone have a razor? Because I've got some hairy pits!

She raises her arms, revealing that she had stuffed fur in her sleeves. The three laugh then Aang sneezes, sending himself flying backward and this big sneeze causes him to crash against Appa's leg and for fur to blow off his friends and himself and the impact leaves some fur on his back and they continue to laugh joyfully, causing Katara to even chuckle slightly while I was still expressionless inside the mask and out.

Katara: Y/N, will you please remove the mask, you need to breathe.

Then when she was putting her hand on my mask I grabbed her hand before she touched it.

Y/N: How about you leave me alone, what I wear and do is none of your concern. You know what I'm out of here, I'll be back by night.

3rd person point of view:

Later that night, Toph is silently sleeping in her earthen tent when she is awakened by a vibration on the earth. She immediately wakes the others, and tries to see if she can identify its source, saying it feels like an avalanche, but also not an avalanche, to which Sokka responds with a sarcastic Your powers of perception are frightening then they decide that leaving the campsite is the safest choice they have.

Katara's point of view:

Everyone was now on Appa and we saw a giant machine on the forest.

Katara: What is that thing?

Y/N: It's a tank train courtesy of the fire nation.

Then soon later we made it to someplace away from the tank and Toph said this when she was getting out of Appa.

Toph: Ah, land sweet land! See you guys in the morning!

Katara: Actually, can you help us unload?

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