Meeting the Earthbending teacher

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Y/N point of view:

It was night and we were still looking for a earth bending teacher for Aang till I see Katara feel cold from the shivering wind while Sokka was just snoring for all he cares for then I go to my bag to bring out a spare blanket I had and cover her with it then she seems to cold down then I remove my mask and kiss her forehead and say in a whisper.

Y/N: Whatever you say to me Katara won't change that your my little sister and that I care for you.

Then I put my mask back on again and went to sleep at last.

3rd person point of view:

In a shop in Gaoling, Sokka is contemplating purchasing an expensive bag, but his indecisiveness begins to bore Aang and Katara, in spite of their attempts to be supportive while Y/N just wants to get things over with. They leave the store and, while Sokka finally makes his purchase, are approached by a man handing out flyers for a local earth bending academy. Katara convinces Aang to check it out, since he needs to find someone to teach him the element. At Master Yu's Earthbending Academy, Aang uses the flyer's coupon to receive a free lesson; however, he is merely clobbered by boulders. Master Yu attempts to sell him a year's worth of lessons, but Aang declines, stating simply to Katara and Sokka that Yu is not the one.

Aang point of view:

We realized that Yu was not the earth bending Master I have been looking for until two student left the academy and said.

Male student: I think The Boulder's going to win back the belt at Earth Rumble VI.

Male student 2: He's going to have to fight his way through the best earthbenders in the world to get a shot at the champ.

Then I went towards them and asked them.

Aang: Excuse me, but where is this earth bending tournament, exactly?

Male student: It's on the island of Noneya ... "Noneya" business!

Then Y/N suddenly came in front of them with his sai's close to their necks and told them and I see that their were afraid of him because of the height difference and the sai's close to their necks.

Y/N: Listen here boys, my little buddy asked you a question, it's better if you answer him now or pay with being frozen in five layers of ice.

Then they told us the location and Y/N let them go and we were went to Earth Rumble VI and then I told Y/N.

Aang: Y/N.

Y/N: What do you want Avatar?

Aang: Thanks for helping me find the location of the tournament.

Y/N: Ya your welcome, wait your not scared of me.

Aang: Why should I be, your nice a guy who needs help. Your my friend.

Y/N: Ah, thanks for believing in me Aang.

Then we continued our way to the tournament.

Y/N point of view:

We took our seats in the Earth Rumble VI and we saw all the fights, but I payed no attention to the battles while Sokka was enjoying himself too much then Katara came to me and told me.

Katara: Y/N I want to talk to you later alone and Thank you for covering me with a blanket yesterday.

Y/N: That's what older brothers are for Katara, to take care and protect their younger siblings.

Then we got to the last battle of tournament and the announcer Xin Fu then he says.

Xin Fu: Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The Boulder versus your champion ... the Blind Bandit!

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