The Death of the Fire Lord

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Y/N's point of view:

It's been a few months since i came to this freaking place and now a recurring visitor has arrived.

Azula: Hello Rival.

Then she came and sat down on the ground while i was staring at her at my cage and she did the same on the other side.

Y/N: Still don't have the guts to kill me yet.

Azula: Shut up! Your end will come soon enough, but now i want you to answer me, why are you insane like this kind of animal.

Y/N: Ya i know that, but i think your only asking yourself and trying to get the answers out of me, what happened did mom leave you, i won't blame her.

Then i see her standing up and trying to firebend at me, but then she stands down.

Y/N: I knew you couldn't do it, because I'm the only person who can relate to you, we are both insane, only difference is that the fire nation made me like this while your own parents made you like that, to make you feel like the perfect child, but you're not, your mother presumably thinks your a monster while your father just uses you for his own benefit then he will throw you aside like some kind of object instead of a person and if this was the old me i would've have done anything to help you, but you killed my parents and the fire nation took my uncle and aunt away from, so when i get out of here and i will. There's gonna be bloodshed.

Then i see her focusing on every word i said then she said to me.

Azula: Very well, that will be enough for today, farewell rival.

Then she left while i was stuck in my chains then i heard a voice i haven't heard in a while.

???: Y/N, My little Y/N.

Then i turned my head up to see aunt Kya.

Y/N: Auntie.

Then i feel my tears going out from my eyes and she came close to me and hugged me then when i wanted to feel the embrace, she disappeared then i started to remember my childhood in the water tribe. After a few minutes I focus on the restraints and then ice began to from all over them and i broke free and began my escape and to end the finale bit of hope for the Fire Nation's victory.


3rd person's pov

Aang had defeated the Fire Lord and Zuko was made the new Fire Lord and now we come to the Jasmin Dragon everyone was enjoying there time, Sokka was drawing and Toph put her feet on the table.

Sokka: Zuko stop moving I'm trying to capture the moment, I wanted to do a painting so we remember the good times we had together.

Katara: That's very thoughtful of you Sokka, wait why did you give me Momo's ears?

Sokka: Those are your hair loopies.

Zuko: At least you don't look like a Boarcupine, my hair isn't that spikey!

Mai: I look like a man.

Suki: And why did you paint me fire bending.

Sokka: I thought it look nice.

Momo then hops up and starts chittering as he looked at the painting.

Sokka: Oh you think you can do a better job, Momo?

Iroh: Hey my belly isn't that big anymore I've really trimmed down.

Toph: Well I think you all look great.

Momo then dragged out another picture and everyone turned to see what it was of, or who is was of.

Momo then dragged out another picture and everyone turned to see what it was of, or who is was of

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Katara: Wow Sokka you even did one of Y/N.

Sokka: Well he may of been a killer but he is still family, and i wouldn't ask for anything more from him.


Everyone was now in the South Pole for Christmas and everyone was happy but there were four kids who were out in the cold but there was one girl who stood out from the others.

And in the distance stood a boy in his early 16's looking down at the group and smiled before he sent out a note to the group and then heads towards the former Fire Lord's cell

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And in the distance stood a boy in his early 16's looking down at the group and smiled before he sent out a note to the group and then heads towards the former Fire Lord's cell.

At The Boiling Rock

Former Fire Lord Ozai was sitting in his cell when he heard foot steps and he turned to see someone walking towards him with a skull in his hand.

Ozai: So, your the one that's caused me so much trouble.

The figure then crushed the skull and then summoned a ice spike in his free hand

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The figure then crushed the skull and then summoned a ice spike in his free hand.

Y/N: Long live Fire Lord Zuko.

Then Y/N shot the ice through Ozai's heart and left him to bleed out.

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