Conflict from within

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Aang, Katara, Sokka and Y/N while searching for the so called earthbending teacher for Aang, fly over a swamp. When Appa begins to inexplicably lose altitude, Aang tells his friends except for Y/N that he feels as if the swamp is calling to him; due to their reluctance to land, however, he agrees to leave. Suddenly, a tornado appears, overwhelming Appa and hurling everyone into the swamp; even though Aang uses airbending to make a sphere of air as a shield around Appa, the tornado shears it apart with ease. This separates humans and animals into two separate groups.

Y/N point of view:

I landed away from the avatar location in the swamp and then I brought sai's to protect myself from any danger since I have a bad feeling about the swamp and soon enough I found the team before the fog made it impossible to see but all I heard was.

Katara: Appa! Momo!

Y/N: Oh will you forget it, it's already foggy enough and we have no choice but to camp.

Sokka: I was about to say that.

Katara: Your attitude isn't helping Y/N.

Y/N: I'm just stating facts here.

Katara: Like the fact you abandoned us.

Y/N: I'm doing what the avatar wouldn't, I'm talking them out.

Katara: You want to know something, it was your fault my mother died.

Y/N: How dare you bring auntie Kya into this.

Katara: To show you the monster you've become.

Then several flies surround Sokka and he swings his machete at them, trying to shoo them away. At that moment, a huge bubble of swamp gas rises from the muddy water below us and The gas grows closer to Us.

Katara: What was that?

Sokka: Nothing, just swamp gas. Look, there's nothing supernatural going on here.

The three of us groan as the smell reaches us, with Sokka waving his hand in front of his nose as Katara clamps hers shut. Suddenly, the quiet is shattered by a terrifying scream, causing them all to scream and huddle together except for me looking around for the source.

Sokka: I think we should build a fire.

Y/N: No! really.

Sokka runs off to a nearby tree and cuts pieces of wood from its roots.

Aang: Sokka, the longer we're here, the more I think you shouldn't be doing do that.

Sokka: No, I asked the swamp. It said this was fine. Right, swamp?

Then he uses a root and shakes it to make it look like the swamp was answering it.

Sokka: No problem, Sokka!

3rd person point of view:

Aang, Katara,Sokka and Y/N make camp for the night. While they are asleep, a swamp monster attacks them, which results in a further separation of the group. Alone in the swamp, each person experiences a vision of another person. Katara sees her mother, and momentarily believes she has returned. However, after joyfully running over to meet her, her vision is revealed to be an ordinary stump; gasping in disbelief, Katara falls to her knees in tears. Sokka envisions Yur in spirit form, who says hauntingly to him, You didn't protect me. Sokka refuses to believe what he has witnessed, clinging to the belief that there is a logical explanation for it. Aang spots a young laughing girl and a flying boar in the swamp; he does not recognize the girl. He calls out to her, but she runs away, and Aang begins to chase after her.

Y/N point of view:

We were all separated and I was in my own now and I was trying to look for my way out and meet back with the team until I heard a voice that made me stop at my feet.

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