Fall of Ba Sing Se

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Y/N's point of view:

I was now close to Ba Sing Se, but i saw two agents standing at the entrance, but i can't kill them they are just doing their job so i had to do the alternative and break their bones.

Agent 1: Hey what are you doing here, no entry is allowed to the city.

Y/N: I'm sorry, i just came to see a special guest.

Then i got close to him and grabbed his head and slammed it to the ground knocking him out then i ice bended at the other agent throwing him against the wall breaking his back.

Y/N: Next time don't get in my way.

Then i continued my way to Ba Sing Se to have my revenge.

Aang's point of view:

Sokka, Toph and i made it back to our house on Ba Sing Se with Appa then we jumped off and went to see if Katara was there and then Momo ran up to us.

Aang: Momo!

Then Momo climbed up onto my shoulders.

Toph: There's no one else here.

Aang: Katara is in trouble! I knew it!

Sokka: Oh, no!

Toph: Wait! Someone's at the door.

Then we heard someone knock on the door.

Toph: Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine.

She walks over to the door and opens it, showing the old man that used to be with Zuko behind the door.

Toph: Glad to see you're okay.

Iroh: I need your help.

Sokka and i had shocked and angry feelings about it then we got into our fighting stances, but Toph calmly smiles and waves at him while Momo flies away upon seeing him.

Aang: You guys know each other?

Toph: I met him in the woods once and knocked him down then he gave me some tea and some very good advice.

Iroh: May I come in?

Then Toph nodded and he came in and he said.

Iroh: Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se.

Aang: She must have Katara.

Iroh: She has captured my nephew as well.

Aang: Then we'll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko.

Sokka: Whoa there! You lost me at "Zuko".

Iroh: I know how you must feel about my nephew But believe me when I tell you that there is good inside him

Sokka: "Good inside him" isn't enough! Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay

Aang: Katara's in trouble. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance.

Sokka understands, and nods. Iroh begins walking back to the door.

Iroh: I brought someone along who might help us.

Then we all walk outside and Toph puts a couple earth pillars around the nervous Dai Li agent and makes him stand up. Iroh walks over to him and takes the gag off his mouth.

Agent: Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup! They're going to overthrow the Earth King!

Sokka: My sister! Where are they keeping Katara?

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