War will always change you

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3rd person point of view:

We were in the southern water tribe where a married couple had just got their first born son named Y/N, but they were hesitant at first but they decided that after his birth the couple would give him to their close friends Hakoda and Kya who the year before had their first born named Sokka, The couple told them that they were on a mission to find intel about the fire nation and before Y/N father gave his engagement ring which was blue to Kya and told her to give it to his son when he's older and before they left they bid farewell to everyone especially to their son who would never have known that his parents loved him then they kissed his forehead and left but unknown to the water tribe that they would pass away.

5 year old Y/N point of view:

It was around the after noon and I was playing snowfight with my two best friends Katara and Sokka I was with Katara since we were the youngest while Sokka was older she he was in his own.

Katara: Come on Y/N, you can do better than that.

Y/N: Does it look like I am a professional in this.

Then my face was hit by Sokka's snowball.

Sokka: Haha I win, now you have to call me Chief Sok-.

Before he could finish his line, he was hit by a Katara's snowball.

Katara: Ha we win, now you have to do your own chores for a month.

Sokka: No fair it was two against one.

Y/N: Sokka your the one who said you didn't need anybody's help.

Sokka: Ya ya whatever I was being easy on you guys.

Katara: Sure you were Sokka.

Then Auntie Kya called us for launch and we went back home and ate and I helped her with the dishes while Katara went to help the tribe and Sokka was practicing with his Boomerang.

Y/N: Aunt Kya.

Aunt Kya: Yes Y/N dear.

Y/N: Why did my parents hate me?

Aunt Kya: They didn't hate you Y/N.

Y/N: Then why did they leave me?

Tears was coming out of my eyes.

Y/N: Was I a bad person.

Then Auntie Kya kneeled down and gave me a embrace to comfort me.

Auntie Kya: They would never hate you Y/N. Want to know why.

Y/N: Why?

Aunt Kya: Because your gonna grow up to be the most amazing person everyone will know and I know it as a fact, and because I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

Then I kept on crying on her shoulders and she was embracing me like any loving mother would to her child and it was all peaceful in the water tribe and I was learning how to fight until the fire nation raided it when I was 9 years old.

9 year old Y/N point of view:

The fire nation was everywhere and I noticed that auntie was missing so I went to her home as soon as possible then I saw a fire nation asking her about the last southern waterbender then I tried to push him and told him to stay away from her but then he punched me, making me unconscious but before I passed out I saw Katara getting in, then I was awaken by Uncle Hakoda.

Hakoda: Y/N, are you ok?

Y/N: Yes, wait where's auntie.

Then I left to look for her then I saw Katara and Sokka in front of me with sad faces.

Y/N: Guys what's wrong.

Sokka: Y/N she's she's.

There were tears and I started to figure out what he meant.

Y/N: No No No.

Katara: Y/N my mother's gone because she wanted to protect me and all I have of her is this necklace.


Then I was on the ground with tears bursting out and I kept saying it was my fault if I wasn't so weak then she would have survived then I realized that I was bending water in front of me.

Sokka: Please not you too.

Katara: Y/N Your a ice bender.

Then I started to stand up and I was embraced by them then Katara told me that her mom wanted to give me something then I saw it and it was a ring and she told me that it was my fathers then we continued to embrace each other and this was the last time I was allowing myself to care for anything and most people started to say that I have become bitter, but in actuality I was in pain and trauma, first my parents abandoned me, I lost the only person who I could call mom and now uncle Hakoda wants to join in the war, but I had enough sunshine's and rainbow and decided that it's time for payback on the fire nation, but I needed to train on my new found bending and it took me 5 years and sometimes Katara would join me.

12 year old Y/N point of view:

I was on top of a mountain all alone training on my waterbending abilities and was close to perfecting it until I saw Katara coming through.

Y/N: What do you want Katara.

Katara: For us to talk it's been so long since we last talked you spent most of your time training.

Y/N: Ya because someone needs to get rid of the filth out there and you and I know for sure that the avatar isn't gonna show up anytime.

Katara: He will I am sure of it you just need too hold on to hope.

Y/N: I lost hope when they took your mother.

Katara: It's not your fault Y/N.

Y/N: Yes it is and that's why I am gonna make up for it by killing all the fire nation, but not just the royal family, but the innocent civilians and the children as well, they murdered your mother in cold blood so I am gonna slaughter them like the demons they are.

Katara: Y/N, you weren't like this, this isn't the right way to think.

Y/N: It is Katara, when we were kids I held on to the that the avatar would save us just like you, but he still didn't show up, he's probably dead, so I am doing his job by ending the hundred year war.

Katara: Then you really had lost it.

Y/N: War changes people Katara.

Then she left while I continued to train with my waterbending, then a year has pass and I am now 13 years old and made a costume that was blue and had the water tribe symbol but I kept it hidden from everyone so they wouldn't know what I am about to do then I packed my things on my bag including my dad's ring and left at night when everyone was a sleep and without anyone noticing. It was the next day and I decided to walk around to see if I can get some weapons then I found a shop which had two Blue sai's which I decided to buy then I left then I saw village which was outran with fire nation soliders then I decided to put on my dads ring then my costume and prepared my sai's then I went to them to see that they were gonna kill a kid then I walked behind and stabbed him then the fire nations noticed me and went to charge at me then I slaughtered them and that's how my journey began, but how will it end.

12 year old Katara point of view:

It was sunrise and I had just woken up and went to wake up Sokka then i went to Y/N home but I didn't find him the I went to his training area and I still didn't find him then my worst fears has come true, Y/N left then I went to tell Sokka about this and he was upset about what he did, but why didn't he tell me that he left then Sokka and I went on our day trying to forget that We lost our brother and that he abandoned us.

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