26 Devil on the Shoulder - Hiromi's POV

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My hair was perfect, my eyeliner was gorgeous, and my nerves were ready. The letter Zuko sent Kaori was the final straw. Any modicum of guilt I may have felt before drained away the second I realized he invited her to our spot - and she accepted. Of any friend I'd ever had she was the worst, and for that, I had to get her back.

But first... Zuko.

My feelings swirled as I ran through the plan in my head. The devil on my shoulder told me it was exactly what he deserved, but a little part of me - the part that was hopelessly and desperately in love with him - knew it would hurt him and wanted to back out. Plus, Naoko had no idea what he was getting himself into. That part was kind of unfair to him, but honestly, he knew where he stood. He was a friend with benefits at best.

Kaori had sulked back to her room after the letter and Hana was sitting and reading a book over on her side of the room on her frilly bed. Neither of them needed to know about the plan. At least not until after it was finished. Kaori would throw a fit, and Hana would definitely try to talk me out of it. I smoothed out my dress and let the devil on my shoulder win the fight.

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