30 Fire and Water - Luna's POV

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I was here to do one job - heal this man. His pain had eased to the point where he was able to fall asleep. The cute little roommate girl had gone to bed almost immediately after the Firelord's leaving. It was just me and her.

And goodness, was she beautiful.

"So when did you come to work in the palace Luna?" She asked. Her hair was so shiny and black. I wanted to run my fingers through it.

"Just a few months ago! My Aunt and I have been practicing healing our whole lives. Mine has of course been a shorter bit of time, but I got pretty skilled at it under her guidance. When the Firelord asked the Northern water tribe for two waterbenders, my aunt and I happily accepted."

"But wasn't it hard leaving your tribe?" Her eyes sparkled when she spoke. They were lined sharply with black makeup I only saw on fire nation citizens. I'd never liked it before.

"It was certainly difficult at first, but my Aunt and I were the natural choice. Tamala's husband died in the war several years ago and she had no children. My father died in the same war and my mother was taken from us. We had no family outside of each other, so it made sense for us to come." I explained, looking down at my work to conceal the sting in my eyes. "Plus, the pay is pretty great."

Hiromi laid a hand on my shoulder.

"You are incredibly brave. I know your work is invaluable to the palace. Anywhere there's fire, there needs to be water. I didn't used to believe in all of that, but it really makes sense, you know? Fire and water fitting together?" She smiled, and I noticed how soft and sweet her lips were.

"Yeah, they really do."

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