Back to the present day (the first day of high school)

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Now it was 2013 and today was Clare's first day of high school. She is very excited. Ever  since she started dating Troy last year, she hopes that he is in every class with her. She wants to be able to pass notes to him in class when the teacher isn't looking.

When Clare arrived at school, she was in shock to see that Troy wasn't here. Suddenly, she got worried. What if something happened to him?

She worried for what seemed like forever. Her friend Elizabeth came to comfort her. She didn't like to see Clare like this. She was going to do anything to comfort Claire in tough times.

"Have no fear." Elizabeth said, I'm sure that people are looking for Troy. Just think positiv3e. We need to get through the day and I'm sure that everything will be fine."

Sadly, everything wasn't fine. The day passed like a blur. Clare was so worried about Troy that she didn't get anything g done. She was going to worry until tryoy was found. 

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