Chapter 10

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Few days have passed since the clan leaders arrived at the Burial Mounds. It was not long after that they left for their respective clans, the news of Huanguangjun's and Yiling Patriarch's marriage spread like wildfire. Both were known to be extremely talented and extremely handsome, so there was no surprise that they had many admirers, both girls and boys. While most of the people were happy about it, but some were not because they wanted to marry either of them. As a result, many young people were found drunk to the brim. Lucky for wine sellers as their sales increased significantly.

Now back to the Burial Mounds. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were laying on the bed facing each other. It was nearly midnight but still they both haven't slept yet. Both were very excited for their marriage.

Then Wei Ying noticed something that made him angry.

"Lan Zhan", he shouted. Lan Zhan got up with a start. Just few seconds ago, they were in a lovey dovey mood, how did Wei Ying's mood changed suddenly.

"What happened Wei Ying? Why are you suddenly so angry?" Lan Zhan asked cupping his face with a concerned look.
'Are demonic powers taking control over him?' he thought.

"Lan Zhan, you are cheating on me. You don't love me." And then Wei Ying started crying loudly. Loud enough that half of people of Burial Mounds gathered around their room.

"What happened child? Why are you crying?" Grandma asked.

"Wu Wu Lan Wu Wu Wu Wu me Wu Wu Wu Wu." Wei Ying said while he cried his heart out, pointing at Lan Zhan.

Everyone pretended that they understood him, but in reality no one did.

"Grandma, will you please give us a moment? I think there is some confusion." Lan Zhan asked politely holding Wei Ying's hand.

Grandma nodded and left with others. Lan Zhan then pulled Wei Ying for a hug. Though Wei Ying is angry at him for a reason nobody knows, but he still enjoyed the warmth of his Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan smiled and thought, 'Am I going to marry a grown up child?'. He wiped tears off his face and gave him water.

"Wei Ying, why are you thinking that I'm cheating on you? You know that I only love you. You know right?" Lan Zhan asked. Wei Ying nodded and spoke after some time.

"Your ring? Where is it?" Wei Ying asked. Lan Zhan looked at his hand and found the ring missing. Now he understood why Wei Ying was angry at him. He might have thought that he is not wearing it because he doesn't love him. Lan Zhan then remembered that while bathing in the morning, he placed the ring on the table in their room and went to the bathroom.

"Wait a minute." Lan Zhan turned around and in the blink of the eye he reached near the table. But the ring was not there. Lan Zhan remembered clearly that he did place it there only. He searched it around the table but it was not there. He then searched the whole room but it was not there. Wei Ying sat there watching Lan Zhan picking up things, then placing them neatly, opening  and closing drawers and even lifting the whole bed with one hand while Wei Ying was still sitting on it. But still ring was nowhere to be found.

"Lan Zhan, did you find the ring?" Wei Ying asked.

"No. I remember placing it at the table. But it is nowhere to be found." Lan Zhan said.

Wei Ying thought for a moment then straighened his back and spoke
" Don't worry Mr.Lan Zhan. The most famous detective, brilliant minded and clever in his work, eyes so sharp that no culprit could escape his eyes, he has taken up your request to solve this theft case. And he is none other than, the most handsome and most talented, Mr. Wei Wuxian." Wei Ying sang his own praises while Lan Zhan looked at him as if a ghost has taken control over his lover's mind.

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