The Great Calamity

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The Calamity was a global catastrophe that took place decades prior to the events of the story. A cascading geothermal event occurred in the Ring of Fire that led to tectonic disasters that ravaged the planet. The human race survived the Calamity and has completely forgotten the disaster. (Except the United States.)


The Disaster started somewhere near the coast of Vietnam and North Korea. It is still unknown how did it started. it destroyed nations near the epicenter of the disaster.
Tsunamis and sudden Earthquakes started and affected other tectonic plates.


Eruption of all volcanoes covered the whole continent with ashes killing millions. Large earthquakes suddenly happened destroying infrastructure and killing millions more. And finally the largest tsunami ever recorded. Standing at a wopping 2190ft. It destroyed the surviving population and infrastructure.


Europe on the other hand, suffered a temperatures of up to -90.6 °C and a flood killing millions survivors managed to get to Russia. While Europe was sinking, its southern neighboring continent was unlucky


They suffered massess of earthquakes and tsunamis that completely sank coastal areas of the continent. Luckiliy that many survived going inland.


35% of the continent's landmass was sunken. Majority of those sunk were major African cities. Because of this, Surviving nation fought for what was left of the reasources there.

South America

The continent suffered the most. With large flash flood sinking entire coastal cities and earthquakes destroying buildings inland.
It completely sank the continent.

North America

North America didn't experienced the devastation that the entire world experienced. They only experienced small earthquakes and floods. However it still gave quite a panic within the continent. And it led to casualties that numbered into thousands.


The aftermath of the Disaster completely changed Earth's landmass. With over 85% of the world's population dead. And with most infrastructure destroyed, many had to restart their lives and survive. Without any communication devices they cannot contact anyone. As during this time that radiation from destroyed nuclear power plants and weapons spreads all across the plains of the surviving people. Instead of killing them, it gave them animal traits, the Faunus.

With all destroyed, people had to start from the beginning.

(A/N: This took a while to write cuz idk how to completely make this. While i was doing this, i thought about Project Wingman.
So, i sort of used the Calamity in the game but modified it for the plot purposes. And that ends for this chapter. Thank you so much for reading this and i hope you guys have a wonderful day. BYE!!!)

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