Chapter 5 ( Rewrite Complete )

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Febuary 2, 2042

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Febuary 2, 2042

Kuo Kuana
Belladonna's Residence

"And thats all for the treaty" a man sitting in the other seat said as he explains his mission.

"Well?" He said. Trying to get Ghira Belladonna, the Chieftain of Menagerie's attention.

"Its hard to comprehend what you have explained." Ghira said. He answered as he explain

"The United States have isolated itself for years now. We need an ally here to comprehend our current situation, a situation that can comprimise not only our sovereignty but yours as well." He explains that the Kingdom of Atlas has been taking Faunus for slave labour. They have already took a lot of their kind as slaves. And now they are eyeing to take many of his people as well.

"This Treaty will not only protect you from Atlas but can supply you anything both for civilian and military products." He continued


Ghira was sitting, signing papers. Then out of nowhere one of the guards bust into the office.

He claims that a fleet of ships have been spotted just near the shore.

They claimed to be diplomats from a nation called the United States of America. He have not heard nor know about this "United States". As such, he went outside the house and saw the diplomat.

"Hello, my name's Jonathan O'Neil, a diplomat of the United States."

Flashback ends

"Mr. Belladonna, this will relieve all the problems that you are facing. Not only you will be provided with adequate construction methods, you will also be provided with weapons and equipment to protect you from Atlas." He said. Then Ghira asked

"Mr. O'Neil, may you give me some time to think?" He asked.

"You may" He said, AMB. O'Neill then stood up walked towards the door.

"Inform me if you want to sign it, please excuse me." He continued and left.

"*sigh* What am I gonna do?" Ghira said. Looking down on the paper.

"Ghira?" He then look up and see his wife, Kali.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I don't know what to do Kali. We have been condemned here in Menagerie for years now ever since the Faunus Revolution. The Humans have been hostile to us, but now, there are humans who want to help us, Hell!, they even they'll even provide us with weapons and training for the militia.
How can i agree to this without the people protesting." He sighed, "this is a dilemma I have no experience with."

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