Chapter 3 ( Rewrite Complete )

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Febuary 12, 2042

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Febuary 12, 2042

Area B7R
Spaceguard Turret Network Command Center

"Alright Comrades, We have been given orders to shoot down a Satellite at an altitude of 90,000 ft." Major Alexader Polovsky barked orders to the Weapons Officers.

"We were also been given orders to use the High Explosive Airburst Rounds."

"Copy Sir!" He looked at the screen infront of him. radar has been tracking its movement for some time, almost hitting one of their Recce Drone.

"Loading HEAR Rounds"

"Loading complete"

"Locked on target"

"Fire on my mark."


Like a force of a thousand guns firing, the High Explosive Airburst Round flew into the air.


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In the Atmosphere, the round exploded a kilometer away from its intended target. But its shockwave managed to take it down.

"Target Destroyed!"

"Hell Yeah!"

"Goodwork everyone!" They celebrated their first kill. And the first use of the HEAR. The Joyness of his crewis heard. Then he remembers the time he was given the command of the railgun


"Fall in!" A General called. Alexander was beside him just looking at the railguns. A site to behold.

Finally the crew fall in at attention.

"Alright, as you already know you previous CO has retired. So now command has given you a new CO. Major." Alexander then present himself to them.

"I am Major Alexander Petrovsky, i will be you new CO from now on." He said.

"Yes sir!" He then smiles towards them.

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