Chapter 6 ( Rewrite Complete )

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Febuary 5, 2042

Skies over Menagerie
Atlesian Bullhead

"Okay everyone, listen up." An Atlesian Soldier said, getting the attention of his squad.

"We are tasked to take any Faunuses and get them to Atlas." He continued. A private raised a hand.

"Sir, why are we taking these animals." He said.

"Because, the SDC need more workers in the mines." The soldier responded. He continued briefing them what the mission is.

"Hey!" Suddenly the pilot called on the radio.

"I think you may wanna see this." The soldier went to the cockpit and saw a more modernized city.
Both were baffled to see this. Then the radio crackled.

"Atlesian Airship this is the Menagerie Air National Guard, you are in complete violation of Menagerie airspace. You are to turn your course immediately." They was shocked when after the first warning weird looking airships suddenly appeared.

" They was shocked when after the first warning weird looking airships suddenly appeared

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(A/N: this pic is much better that the old one.)

After a few seconds the radio cracks to life repeating the same thing.

"Sir what should we do?" One of his subordinates asked. But then radio cracked and it wasn't coming from the aircraft beside them. It was their escorts.

"Don't worry Atlas-5 we'll take them down."
One of our escorts, Griffon-1, called. Suddenly the aircraft suddenly banked to the left and intercepts Griffon-1 and 2.

"Its a one v two, we have the advantage!"
Griffon-2 radioed.

Then one of the unidentified airships went towards Griffon. Then,

"Let's ki-" before he even finish his radio died

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"Let's ki-" before he even finish his radio died. Then we saw an explosion where Griffon-1 was.

"Griffon-1, do you read me?" Griffon-2 was frantically radioing Griffon-1 until he was shot down by the same aircraft that shotdown Griffon-1.

This aircraft is a more agile airship than theirs. Then the same warning came out of the radio.

"Atlesian Airship this is the Menagerie Air National Guard, you are in complete violation of Menagerie airspace. You are to turn your course immediately. This is your final warning."

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