Chapter 13

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March 4, 2042

Beacon Academy
2400 hours (idk what time)

The night of Beacon's dance finally arrived. The hall was decorated, the DJ was pumping out the jams, and people were making their way in, sometimes in teams, sometimes in couples, and sometimes completely stag. That was the way Ruby went after managing to trip her away across campus in her new high heels. Upon entering, Yang, who was working as the hostess, couldn't stop from exclaiming, "You look beautiful!"

Ruby's legs shook. "Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?"

Yang laughed as Ruby tried to catch her balance.

Ruby wasn't the only one not enjoying the change of wardrobe. As Sun made his way across campus, he kept scratching at his abs, itchy from wearing his shirt closed. He also complained about another wardrobe change. "Stupid, dumb neck trap!" he said, pulling on his tie which had been incorrectly placed around his neck instead of his collar. But someone else had a different opinion.

"I knew you'd look better in a tie."

Sun turned. Standing behind him was Blake in a lavender dress and teal bow. She looked up demurely and Sun felt his heart skip a beat.

Blake walked up to him and grabbed his arm.

"So... does this mean we're going together?"

"Technically. But my first dance is spoken for."


Sun's question was answered when upon arriving Yang fulfilled her promise and danced with Blake. It was short, but the dance meant a lot to both girls. It marked a new depth and dimension in their friendship. Blake knew that she would be able to trust Yang more deeply, and Yang knew that she could rely more on Blake.

Once finished, Yang graciously surrendered Blake to Sun. She then joined Weiss and Ruby on the sidelines where they could hear Blake laughing and having a good time. "I told you she would come," said Yang.

"Mission accomplished," added Weiss.

Ruby looked at them both. "So, what do we do now?"

"Just have fun!" replied Yang as she and Weiss walked off.

"Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now?" But she received no answer. "Stupid, lady stilts."

"Not enjoying yourself?" asked Ozpin, walking up.

"Uh, no. Everything's fine. I'm just not much of a fancy... pantsy... dancey girl."

"Well, you can't spend your entire life out on the battlefield. Even if you may want to."

Ruby crossed her arms. "Yeah, that lesson's been floating around a lot lately."

"If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked. Although, one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot."

"Or a twisted ankle."

"It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds. But it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget."

At the Hands of the Old [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now