Chapter 4 ( Rewrite Complete )

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January 16, 2042

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January 16, 2042

Naval Station Norfolk
USS Enterprise

"Admiral, we're here sir." The captain of the Enterprise, Sayori Shimada, said.

"Thank you." Rear Admiral Riley Galaster said. He then let himself exit the bridge of the ship. Now admiring the view of Naval Station Norfolk

"Admiral?" He turned around and saw Captain Sayori was there.

"Is something wrong?" She said. He look towards her, with dark brown hair, smooth skin, and to top it all of a face of a beautiful woman

"Sir?" He suddenly snaps back. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, everythings fine." He replied. She smiled and proceeds to go inside.

Being a 59 year old vice admiral can really take a toll on lifestyle. He laugh to himself.

Life has full of Mysteries.

Life has full of Mysteries

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Beacon Academy

Its been days since Ruby and the gang encountered the mysterious soldiers. And currently Ruby has been trying to find anything that resembles what they saw.but to no avail.

"Ruby, c'mon let's go. Weiss has been waiting for us at the Airdocks." Yang said.

"Coming!" Ruby use her semblance and join her sister to the docks. While they were nearing the docks Yang asked her.

"So Ruby, what were you doing a little while ago?"

"Well, I was searching for any evidence for what we saw just days ago. So far nothing."
She replied.

"Really? No evidence?" Yang said

"Yeah, even went on and tried to search from the net about atlesian weapons and equipment." Ruby said

"They really aren't from Atlas are they?" She asked.

"Well looks like it." Ruby responded. After a few hours of walking they finally arrived.

At the Hands of the Old [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now