Just some Context

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This is just some Context about the US military's equipment

For Ground Vehicles its the same but old vehicles are retired or in storage like M2 Bradley, M113, HMMWV and others.

For Aircraft its also the same but instead of retiring old planes they reactivated them to service like the F-15C and D, F-16C and D, this also includes F-14D and other comabt and non-combat aircraft

For Ships those that survived both WW3 and The Calamity will be kept in service. And also
Continuing the Production of some ships such as the Ticonderoga class, Arleigh Burke class and the Independence and Freedom classes

There will be foreign assets such as French, British, Polish and more, integrated to the US military like the Canadian JAS 39E, Polish MiG 29A and UB, French Rafale B, C, and M, and more

As well as ships and submarines like the Halifax class, Upholder/Victoria class and others. Though older ship will be decommissioned.

Ground Forces of foreign nations will also be part of the armed forces like the Canadian Leopard 2, Cuban T-55s and T-62s. Though these Cuban Ground assets will be used for reserve or put in storage.

Thats about it. I just want to inform you guys with what current asset the US has in this Fanfic.

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