Chapter 8 ( Rewrite Complete )

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Febuary 13, 2042

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Febuary 13, 2042

Parliament Building
Front Door

Two people stand at the front of the Parliament Building, waiting for the diplomat from Atlas.
They were suprise that Atlas would send a diplomat taking the chance for peace.

A Black Surburban stopped infront, the doors open and standing there was Ambassador Jay Sill.

"Welcome Mr. Ambassador." One of them, Ambassador Violet, said.

"The pleasure is mine." The Atlesian said.

"Well then, follow us towards the meeting room." The other, Ambassador Onyx, said as they walk inside.

Onyx then turned his head and saw a lot Faunuses protesting.




He then turned around and went inside.

Febuary 13, 2042

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Febuary 13, 2042

Parliament Building
Meeting Room

"Our people are currently doing an investigation of the sudden attack and demands as well as going to send compensation for the families that lost their members" AMB. Sill said. We were relieved because an investigation has started.

"Well, we are happy for what you have done for the sake of peace. We are thankful." Onyx said.

"We are at a long term peace after the Great War. We must be united to fight against the Grimm not each other." He said.

"Yes, the Grimm is the enemy, that is correct." Onyx said.

"Well, we can supply you with some dust and other materials for payment as well?" He said.

"We are fine with that." Sen. Vi said.

"The supplies we can give you by tomorrow."
AMB. Sill said

"For the compensation of your people that lost someone we can pay them 100,000 Lien?"
He said.

"We can accept the terms while we will pay the rest." Violet said.

"Very well then, lets promise a more prosperous and peaceful future for Remnant."

The negotiations went well and we all avoided a conflict.

Febuary 15, 2042

Beacon Academy
RWBY's Dorm

"Guys!, c'mon we gotta see the what happened to the negotiations." Ruby said. She along with the rest of Team RWBY heard about the incident at the docks in Menagerie, especially Blake.

"This is Lisa Lavender from VNN, Just a day ago, AMB. Sill of Atlas arrived at Menagerie for diplomatic negotiations after the incident in Kuo Kuana Port. As of now Atlas and Menagerie are at peace. Investigations for the incident is still ongoing. however, Commander Hans, the man responsible for the attack, has been punished by the Atlesian Council. Now AMB. Sill will now adress the current situation."

The camera turned to the Ambassador Sill.

"As you already know by now that peace was established between Atlas and Menagerie.
We are hoping that this kind of attack will never happen again. As of now investigations are still in the works. We must pay respects to the innocents faunus that had died in the firefight as well as to give the men of the Menagerie Police and Defense Forces died that day." The Ambassador said.

"Now Atlas is still negotiating with Menagerie but for now we are at peace, this is Lisa Lavender of VNN." Ruby then turned towards them

"Well, that happened." Yang said.

"Well, atleast war didn't start." Weiss said.

"I'm glad that Atlas picked peace and negotiations instead of war." Blake said.

"Yeah, now that's finished we can finally plan our first ever mission as Huntresses-in- Training!" Ruby exclaimed, "I'm exited about it!"

"Well, what are we waiting for lets make a plan to defeat the White Fang." Yang said.

"We must also keep this a secret alright?" Weiss said.

"Sounds good!"

"Lets start!" And with that, we began planning on defeating the White Fang.

"Lets start!" And with that, we began planning on defeating the White Fang

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Febuary 15, 2042

Settlement of Tolapov

"AAAAHHHH!" a woman was pushed toward the ground.

"Please!, just stop this." A man pleaded. For them to stop.

"Shut up!, nobody told you to speak!" A Bandit said, kicking him.

"Please no..." a man said being pointed by a gun.



"Alright, who's next?" The leader said.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here, a busty little girl. Hehehe were gonna have a fun time" he said walking towards a girl.

"PLEASE NO! DON'T SHE'S JUST A TEEN!" the girl's father pleaded but they knocked him down. Then a loud shout was heard



"EVERYONE, MOVE OUT!" suddenly an armed group of faunuses appeared. A man came towards me.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you. MEDIC!" He said. Then a man with a red cross arrived.

"Get them out of here and lead them to the medical tent." The man said. The man with the red cross followed his orders. The man, now identified as their leader, left. Before he went far away the father called.

"Wait!" He turned around.

"Who are you?" He said.

"We are the Faunus Liberation Front."

(A/N: Well, Thats it for this Chapter nothing to say for now, Thank you. BYE!!!!)

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