Chapter 1 ( Rewrite Complete)

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In its History, Remnant has survived countless of times. From the early settlers of the continents to the devastating war that shook the planet. But for some believed that this is not the full history of Remnant.

 But for some believed that this is not the full history of Remnant

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January 5, 2042

Joint NASA-Space Force
Orbital Space Station

"Ramirez! Help me get this bloody thing off." A Seargent called.

"Yes sir." Pvt. Ramirez said.

Its been 2 Years since he's been stationed here. helping out the eggheads with the equipment and admiring the view outside.

"Good work Ramirez, C'mon lets get to the mess hall get some chow. I'm starving."

He laughed a bit. He then looked at the Window and see Earth. It was a bit different. His great grandfather gave him a map of it. His great grandfather told him that this planet was filled with people. Spanish, Russian, German, and more. It was also told during his school years. But a great catastrophe happened that killed almost all the people.

"Ramirez!, What are you waiting for c'mon. Before the ice cream is gone!"

"I'm comin' Cap!" He shouted.

He have always wondered what would happpened if we contacted the rest of the world.

He have always wondered what would happpened if we contacted the rest of the world

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January 5, 2042

Emerald Forest
Huntress-in-training Team RWBY

"We have been walking for so long, I need to finish somethings back at the dorms" Weiss said.

"C'mon guys this is our first task as Huntresses-in-training!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Yeah! Ruby's right, i mean c'mon. Going on our first assignmentis only one in a life chance for us first years!" Ruby's sister, Yang said.

"We're just here to investigate some unknown movement within the forest"
Blake said.

They've been assigned by the Headmaster Ozpin to investigate a strange group of people within the Emerald Forest. She can't believe that the Headmaster gave them this mission. Though they've been walking for hours and we haven't spotted them.

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