Chapter 7

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Kyle's pov

The rest of week all Stan and Me did was work on our English project. That took up all our time so we didn't have any time to do anything else.

Of course Stan got harassed by Wendy all day and he told me even all night. Everytime I walked by or even look in her direction she would give me a dirty look. I just shrugged it off.

Other then that it was good.

Today is Saturday and all the guys are coming over for a movie marathon. I'm going to the supermarket with my mom and Ike.

We walk down every aisle picking up this and that. I grabbed popcorn and lots of soda for tonight.

"I'm going to the bathroom ma." I say

She waves her hand I make my way over to the nearest bathroom. I find the side opening with bathroom and was about to walk into the boys when I get grabbed,

The person pushes me up against a wall but keeps their face in the darkness. All I can see is their mouth. I try to remove their hands but they're push me up against the wall harder.

"Stop and listen." The person says

I stop struggling but keep my hand on their wrist. I stand there waiting fir then to say a word. I was about to kick them when they begin to talk.

"If you don't stay away from Stan then I'm have you killed." The person says

I gasp and the person pushes me into the boys bathroom. I quickly got up and looked outside the bathroom but nobody was there. I sigh and go to the bathroom. While rinsing off my hands I look into the mirror. My eyebrows are knitted together and mouth is down in a frown.

After drying my hands I walk out to go find my mom. I found her in the meat aisle and didn't say anything to her. For the rest of the trip I stayed quite and helped my mom.

When we get into the car Ike starts to make noise but I ignore it cause I have something else on mind obviously.

Who was that?

Before I know it we arrived home and my mom was parking the car. I climb out of the car and help carry bags while Ike I taken inside for now time.

After helping putting the food away I got everything ready for the movie marathon.

I ate dinner and everybody else went to bed.

Sitting in the sofa I watch the tv screen not really paying any attention whatever is on.

That person could be anybody we know

Being so deep into thought I didn't realize that the Cartman, Kenny and Stan walked into my house until Cartman plopped on the floor. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the floor shake.

"You gotta lose weight fat ass!" I yell

"No I don't!" Cartman yells back

"I felt the floor shake! For a minute I thought it was a earthquake!!" I yell

He gives me the finger and goes through the movies. I begin to talk to Kenny until Stan sits next to me. I glance at him sideways watching as he relaxes against the sofa. I wish. Could talk to him about it but that would cause drama.

We begin the movie marathon with Star Wars I. The whole time watching I tried to focus on it but my mind kept going back to earlier at the supermarket.

I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap may Mrs around my legs. I tense a little bit when I feel a hand rubbing circles on my lower back. Turning to the right slightly I see Stan looking my way with a smile. I try to smile back But I went think Stan was convinced that It was real. He gives me a look and I nod my head towards Cartman and Kenny. His mouth made a O shape and he went back to the movie. The whole night he continued to rub shapes into my lower back.

What am I gonna do?

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