Chapter 25

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Stan's pov

I'm walking through the woods and cutting myself on loose branches. I look over a piece of paper I got in the mail yesterday. It shows me where Cartman is holding Kyle.


"Stan, you have mail." My mom says

I place my school bag on the ground by the coat rack. I grab the envelope from my mom's hand while passing the sofa. I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom. I throw the envelope in my bed and turn on the radio and tv. Then I grab my Xbox 360 controller and turn the console on.
I'm playing call if duty when I get a message on my phone. I lazily pick it up and unlock my phone. Opening the message I can tell I don't know the number.

Unkown number
Stan, did you read what's in the envelope?

No and who's this?

It takes a few minutes for the stranger to text back. I pause the game and unlock the message.

You need it cause it might help you with you're problem

I raise an eyebrow and look down at the envelope. It has my name scribbled on the front in a messy font. I slolwy and carefully open the envelope. Inside Is a white piece of paper. I pull it out and start to read the words written on the paper.

Dear Stan,
You can find Kyle in a cabin within the woods behind the school. Just follow the map that's on back of this letter.

I turn the paper over and behold there's a map drawn on the back. It shows me a bunch routines to get to the cabin.
I set piece of paper on the side table and my mind decides to race with thoughts.
The more I think about the more I wanna go get Kyle. I lay back on my bed and a small smile forms on my face.

Flashback ends

I shake my head just as I walk into a puddle. I sigh and move a tree branch out my way. Then a medium size cabin comes in my sight. Looking down at the map I see that the cabin is next to a large tree with a bunch of alphabets craved into the bark.
Glancing around I see there's a tree and I run over to it. Standing in front of it I scan the bark to loom for their letters. Then my eyes go wide when I see all those alphabets craved.
Then I hear a scream and run over to a window without thinking. Looking around through the window I see nothing but furniture. I sigh and begin to walk around the cabin to look through all the windows. I come across the stellar door and was debating if I should open it.


Once that reached my ears I decided to open the stellar door and run down the stairs. I almost trip but catch my balance. I begin to walk through halls searching for doors to see if I can find Kyle.

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