Chapter 21

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Warning: SPG content.

Alcohol makes people do stupid things.

I should've known better.

Parang binibiyak ang ulo ko nang magising. I sucked in a deep breath and moved slowly. The muted grey ceiling welcomed my vision. Alam ko na agad na wala ako sa kwarto ko. My room has a white ceiling, stained by the leaks that my landlord continues to ignore each time I complain about it.

"Shit." I got up and massaged my temples. I'm no longer wearing my shoes, and for some reason, my feet are sore. Iwinaksi ko ang comforter na nakabalot sa akin at nakitang may bandage ang dalawa kong paa. I sighed once again and for the first time, I heard the shower running.

My gaze ran to the closed restroom. Napalunok ako. Rigor is still showering. I should leave, now. I still don't want to face him yet after what I've done. Hiyang-hiya ako sa kaniya. Sinigaw-sigawan ko pa ang lalaki pero tama din naman pala siya.

Again, I should've known better.

Kaagad akong tumayo kahit na kada kilos ko ay parang may nagd-drill sa bungo ko. Inignora ko ang sakit at pilit na hinanap ang mga sapatos ko. When I got them, I grabbed my bag and headed to the door. I winced when I caught sight of myself in the mirror. Para akong bruha.

Streaks of mascara streamed down my face. My hair is a mess. My clothes are wrinkled and I must smell like shit. Sobra pa ata sa pagiging amoy-tsiko. Desperation worked its way in my body as I grabbed for the doorknob.

"Going somewhere, cherié?"

I instantly froze when I heard his voice. Nanatili lang ang kamay kong nakabalot sa doorknob nang hindi gumagalaw. I heard footsteps, then his alluring smell hung thicker in the air as he went near me.

Napapikit ako. Goddamn it.

Dahan-dahan kong binitawan ang doorknob. I gathered a lot of air into my lungs, hoping it would bring me courage, then sighed before facing him.

He's half-naked. The grey drawstring sweatpants are ridiculously hanging low in his hips, revealing a well-defined V that disappeared in the bands. My gaze went up to his stomach, and the tight ridges of muscles that hinted a lot of painful hours in the gym. Even his muscles and biceps are very well-defined. The veins in his arms look like it's about to pop when he's just doing minimal effort, like drying his hair with the white towel.

"Good morning..." my voice sounded so cloudy inside my own head.

"Where are you going?" he asked seriously. May dumaloy na tubig mula sa buhok niya patungo sa noo. I watched it in silence. Rigor gave his damp hair one last rub and then hang the towel in his broad shoulder blade.

"I was... um..." I stammered. Bumaba ang tingin niya sa bag at sapatos ko. I suddenly wanted to throw it away. Pakiramdam ko may mabigat na krimen akong ginawa.

"Tatakasan mo na naman ako?" he sighed.

"Hindi, ah!" depensa ko kaagad. Nang sumingkit ang mga mata niya sa akin ay awkward akong tumawa at agad na nag-iwas ng tingin. "Um..."

"You should eat something, and take something for your headache." He murmured before going inside the restroom. Kaagad akong kumaripas sa salamin at dinukot sa bag ang isang panyo. I desperately wiped off my makeup and fixed my hair with the remaining time.

When he stepped out, he already has a white shirt and the towel is gone. Medyo namamasa pa rin ang buhok niya. Ako naman ay inaayos pa ang kusot sa damit ko.

"Here." I noticed that he also grabbed some clothes while he was inside. Kumunot ang noo ko. "Change your clothes, Czarina. You must be uncomfortable in that dress."

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon