Chapter 1

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Warning:Bleed for Love deals with themes of physical and verbal abuse, sexual trauma,toxic relationships, and depression. Some chapters of this book can trigger andbe distressing to some readers. Please read at your own risk.

Chapter 1

"You look sad."

A soft gasp escaped from my lips when I heard an unfamiliar baritone voice behind me. I perked up, squinting my eyes as I stared hard at the crystal clear water of the pool. Ang panaka-nakang pag-ihip ng hangin ay gumagawa ng maliliit na alon. The moonlight is nothing but a beautiful reflection in the water, and it slowly disappeared as a shadow loomed over me.

"Is the party not amusing you, cherie?"

Nanatili akong determinado na huwag lumingon. Imbes, nagpatuloy ako sa pagtitig sa tubig ng pool na para bang dito nakasalalay ang buhay ko. A few moments later, his image started to appear in the water or my mind is just pulling tricks on me.

The dark figure hummed in amusement. The reflection of the able was able to capture the gleam of his forest eyes and the thin, hard line of his mouth. He's half naked. The moving waters failed to capture what could've been tight ridges of his abdominal muscles that he has no problem flaunting.

"Can I sit here?"

Umusog ako nang kaunti saka tumango. I heard him chuckle.

"Umusog pa talaga." Bulong niya.

This time, I mustered up the courage to turn to him. He dipped his head a bit, taking a sip from his beer. For a moment, I was in deep abyss, just watching his adams apple bob up and down sexily as he took three long gulps before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Umihip ang hangin, dahilan ng paggalaw ng buhok niya. Some strands of his hair are falling in his eyes, hiding his thick brows and heavy lashes. Biglang nangati ang mga kamay kong hawiin ang buhok niya pero pinigilan ko ang sarili.

I know him. Of course. Everyone knows him. The entire campus adores his cousin, Philodemus, who fronts a band and has such an alluring voice. He, on the other hand, has found his way into girl's hearts with his sensual existence and amazing painting skills. He's a senior in our department and for years, I've been really eyeing him from afar. Hindi ko lang inaasahan na sa mga nagdaang taon na pasulyap-sulyap ako sa kaniya ay kinausap na din niya ako sa wakas.

O baka lasing lang 'to?


Umiling ako nang inalok niya sa akin ang can na ininuman lang niya. I tried to hide my burning cheeks by turning away and staring at the full, bright moon.

"Ganda ng moon, no?"


I bit my lower lip. Kung anu-ano nang lumalabas sa bibig ko. Swallowing hard, I turned to him again and smiled shyly.

"What is the party host doing here? Won't they miss you back there?" I jerked my chin towards the grand parlor. Kakatapos lang ng semi-final exams namin. The Treverons are known for throwing big exam parties like this and I didn't hesitate to come when my friend Sorcha told me about it. I don't want her to wake up in another man's bed again today.

"Nah, they're sick of me." He chuckled and leaned back. Sinundan niya ng tingin ang bilog na buwang kanina ko pa rin pinagmamasdan. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sick of them."

We both chuckle in silence. I started to relax. Kanina, halos hindi ko pa mapigilan ang pagdaloy ng luha ko. I forced them back when I heard footsteps coming towards me. Hindi ko inaasahan na isang Treveron pala ang nakapansin sa akin dito. He must feel bad about me looking stupid out here all alone.

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon