Chapter 6

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My fingers burn from where the tips made contact with the stone. I start hearing noises from the room and panic rose to my throat. Kaagad kong ibinalik ang maliit na box sa loob ng bulsa ng jacket. I scooted as far away as possible from the discarded leather on the sofa and tried to act normal when Rigor steps out of the room, dressed in a pair of crisp black slacks and white buttondown shirt, rolled to his sleeves.

May hawak siyang dalawang neck tie sa kamay. He lifted them both in the air for me to inspect.

"Red or black?"

I rolled my eyes. "Red. You'll look like a waiter in black."

"Ang gwapo ko namang waiter," he says, amused with my reaction.

I pressed my lips together, shifting in my seat. Rigor started putting on his neck tie. His back moved swiftly beneath the white shirt. His hands are deft and effortless. I don't have a memory of me doing his neck tie for him before. He doesn't seem to have a problem about it, unlike other men. He was born in a powerful, socialite family after all. Aside from being a natural in gatherings, the skill of presenting himself properly comes second.

Nang matapos na siya ay tinapos ko na rin ang paggupit sa buhok niya. I'll miss seeing strands of his hair covering his eyes. But now with his hair pushed back, it only highlighted whatever god-sculpted features he has. He looks sharper, more prominent. His eyes are gleaming and his skin glowed. The cameras will love him today.

May ibinigay siyang iPad sa akin habang naglalakad kami palabas. He says he hired a driver for the day because we have other meetings to attend aside from the organization. Tahimik lang ako sa tabi niya at patango-tango habang nakikinig ng instructions.

The driver is already waiting for us when we arrived. He looks younger, but just as professional. He smiled politely and opened the door for us. Rigor gestured for me to get in first.

Itinuro ko ang front seat.

"Hindi ba dapat sa front seat ako-"

"Just get in, Czarina."

I stared back at him defiantly while the driver stood awkwardly next to us before I admitted defeat and went inside, shaking my head. The man has no sense of hierarchy, as usual. I don't want people to be thinking that I'm getting special treatment from him just because we have a history.

Patingin-tingin sa akin si Lyle, ang driver, tila nagtataka. Rigor sat next to me. nilayo ko ang sarili at inabala sa pag-organize ng schedule niya sa iPad. Halatang bagong bili. He did not even bother to change the default wallpaper or put in a password. I downloaded an application to create wallpaper timelines and set it as his lockscreen. His phone starts ringing. Sinagot niya iyon kaagad. I try not to eavesdrop but even if he doesn't put the call in a loudspeaker, I could still hear the voice from the other line.

"Kailan ka uuwi?" the female voice demands.

Rigor sighs and gave me a side glance. Nagkunwari akong busy sa iPad niya pero ang totoo'y ina-unlock at lock ko lang ito nang paulit-ulit.

"I'm still busy, Silver." He clears his throat.

"Hindi mo ba bibisitahin si Dad? Ang mga pamangkin mo?" she presses further. I always remember her as a girl with a low sweetness in her voice when she speaks, but I could feel its absence whenever she's talking to Rigor. She misses him. And she's hurting.

"Silver," kalmado ang boses ni Rigor na para bang nanunuyo ng iyaking bata. "I promise I will be home at the end of the month. May kailangan lang akong tapusin dito sa Maynila."


The line went dead. An awkward silence hung thick around us. Buti nalang at medyo madaldal ang driver ni Rigor. tinanong-tanong niya ako ng kung anu-ano, madalas tungkol sa buhay dito sa Maynila. I tried to answer him as polite as I could, though I could feel Rigor's burning eyes on me.

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon