Chapter 14

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Huminto rin ako kalaunan sa mabilis na paglalakad at pilit na hinabol ang hininga. I angrily wiped the tears away and calmed myself.

You have no right to be jealous, Czarina Saorsie. You and Rigor are not exclusive.

Paulit-ulit ko itong itinanim sa isipan ko hanggang sa tuluyan nang kumalma. So what if he's kissing other girls on the day of his graduation? For someone who prohibited him from touching and kissing me, I have no right to judge the man.

No right...

Swallowing, I slowly turned back to the escalator where I descended. I bit my lower lip as I gathered the courage to go back. Rigor is expecting me... at least that's what I think if he's not very busy kissing Megan right now. Anyway, the ceremony is about to start. Maybe I'll just show up and say hi then disappear before I see anything unpleasant again.

Dahan-dahan akong umakyat ulit. The lobby is now empty and the graduates are lined, marching inside with that graduation march song sounding in the background. I went to the other entrance where parents and guests are led. The graduates, given the numbers, have to sit alone in the middle of the event hall while the parents and guests can watch them from the elevated bleachers. Doon ako nagtungo.

Naghanap ako ng mauupuan. Sobrang dami na palang tao at halos walang bakante. From the corner of my eye, I saw Rigor leading the march. Natigilan ako. I'm pretty sure he should be in the last of the line because of his surname. He walked confidently, like he owned the stage. Maybe he's one of the top students in his class, hence the order?

Ah, whatever. My blood still boils every time I remember how they kissed in front of everyone. Sa inis ko ay nag-iwas na ako ng tingin at badtrip na naghanap ng mauupuan.

Dinala ako ng paningin ko sa dulo ng bleachers. A tall guy is sitting there, alone. He's wearing eyeglasses and looks bored with his legs spread apart. He looks very intimidating. May makapal na libro sa hita niya. The army green wifebeater shirt he wore complimented his skin nicely, flaunting the torso and biceps he must've worked so hard in the gym. Kanina pa ito patingin-tingin sa relo na para bang may hinihintay.

From the left, I saw girls giggling at the sight of him. They are younger and very noisy. Malamang ay nagagwapuhan sa lalaki. Oh well, I should be immune with these type of bad boy faces. I marched directly to him and pointed to the vacant spot next to him.

"Can I sit here?"

Nag-angat ng tingin ang lalaki. He eyed me from head to toe, then his lips curled downwards.


"Thanks." I said cheerfully, sitting next to him. Mas lalong lumalim ang kunot ng noo niya.

"I'm waiting for someone." He insisted.

"Well, since she's not yet here, let me sit here for the mean time. Nangangawit na ako."

He sighed, tapos ay hindi na ako pinansin. Out of curiosity, my eyes hovered to the book. He's fingering the corner of the plastic-covered book unconsciously.

Criminal Law

Concepts and Jurisprudence


Ako naman ang kumunot ang noo sa nakita. He's a law student? Bumalik ang tingin ko sa suplado niyang mukha at lalong naguluhan. He doesn't look like one! He looks more like school jock or an athlete, someone who's throwing crazy parties every night and has slept with half the female population in this town.

Me and my prejudice.

"It's rude to stare."

Hindi ako nilayasan ng kahihiyan at patuloy na nakatitig sa kaniya, di tulad ng kapag si Rigor ang sumisita sa akin. He reminds me of an actor, but I couldn't even remember the name! I studied his face as an attempt to put words into my mouth but failed. For some reason, I am drawn to this guy... but not the romantic attraction that a normal female would feel towards an extremely hot guy. I couldn't even put it into words.

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon