Chapter 2

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I remained unmoving for a few minutes, trying to pull myself out of the black hole that Rigor pushed me into. It's quite hard because with every step up, he's dragging me down with his piercing gaze and curled lips.

"Rigor..." I said, and I hate how it sounds so breathless in me. I don't want him to know the effect he has on me after all these years.

He grinned boyishly, like he knows what's going on through my head. Ngumiti ako nang alanganin at itinulak siya palayo. A small, faint gasp left my lips when my palms made contact with his chest, so I quickly look away.

"Rigor!" his name was called again, but this time, in a joyful, bright manner. Mr. Abad walked towards us, grinning widely. "What an honor to see you in our humble gallery!"

Nanatili ang tingin sa akin ni Rigor nang ilang segundo bago niya binalingan si Mr. Abad, nakangiti pa rin.

"Sir Abad," he nodded in acknowledgement. "I was in the city, so I thought I might check this gallery out."

His eyes gleamed in pleasure and amazement. Rigor is so well known not just in Baltimore, but he's also the pride of the country when he made noises in the art industry while carrying the Filipino name. I'm sure Mr. Abad is a great fan of his work.

Awkward akong umatras. Napatingin si Mr. Abad sa braso ni Rigor na prenteng nakadantay sa pader, tapos ay sa akin na nakakulong sa corner.

"Czarina, do you know him? This is the infamous Rigor Treveron!" excited pa niyang wika. He's oblivious to the tension between the two of us.

Gusto kong matawa nang mapait sa sinabi niya, but I kept my mouth shut and smiled politely.

"I know her." Rigor said with an amused look on his face. Pinanlakihan ko siya ng mga mata pero hindi siya nagpatinag.


"She's my ex, Mr. Abad."

Gusto kong magpalamon sa lupa sa mga oras na iyon. His eyes got wide in surprise and was looking at us back and forth as if we were unreal. My breathing caught up. I sucked in a small breath and finally mustered the courage to step away from his cage.

"Actually, I have to go. Thank you, Mr. Abad. I'll see you in the exhibit."

Hindi pa rin siya makapagsalita sa sobrang gulat kaya umalis na lamang ako. I heard the two of them talking before it went silent and then suddenly, I heard footsteps following me. I got nervous because I know it's him so I picked up my pace and walked faster. Before I could even reach it to Kyros' car, someone grabbed my arm.

I squeezed my eyes shut, then took a sharp breath before turning to him again. He's grinning again. I want to smack the cruel smirk off his face. Five years did nothing to age him. In fact, it only enhanced his well-defined features. His eyes are darker, more expressive, and I could only imagine the roughness of a day's worth of stubble in his jaw.

"Are you avoiding me?" halos natatawa pa niyang tanong sa akin.

Clenching my jaw, I tip-toed to meet his gaze before squinting my eyes to glare at him. "Bakit kita iiwasan, ha? Napaka-assuming mo naman."

His lips twitched. Bumaba ang tingin niya sa nakatingkayad kong mga paa bago niya inilipat sa mukha ko.

"Good. Fancy a dinner with me tonight?"

Hindi kaagad ako nakasagot. I promised Castian I'll be back before dinnertime, as soon as my job interview is finished. Kung papayag ako, I'll be showing him that I don't give a damn about his presence anymore. But if I refuse, para ko na ring kinain ang mga salita ko.

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon