Chapter 5

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"Mukha ba akong barbero, Rigor?" masungit kong tanong sa kaniya, hinahamon ang pang-iinsulto niya sa akin.

He stared at me before his lips curled in a slow, sensual smile. The office may be spacious, but his presence overwhelms me and throws me off guard.

"Mukha kang nanay ng magiging anak ko."

My breath died in my throat, my blood drained. It feels like someone punched me in the stomach. I stood there, frozen. I could not speak.

Rigor chuckled. "Relax. I'm just messing around."

I quickly put on an angry face to mask the near-death experience I just had. Pakiramdam ko ay aatakihin ata ako sa puso!

"Don't joke around like that!" I scold him as I circle the big desk, snatching the silver scissors from his hand. I might as well cut his goddamn hair so that all of this will be over.

"You make it sound like it's such a bad idea. I'm so offended, cherié." He clutched his hard chest dramatically before collapsing into the big, swivel chair. Legs apart, he took my hand and pulled me closer to him until I can smell his scent. I closed my eyes and allowed myself the comfort of his presence briefly before pulling away.

"No funny business, remember?" I reminded him about the rules that he seems to be tossing out of the window with the way he's acting right now.

There's a half-smirk on his lips as he shrugs, then relaxes into his chair. Umikot ako sa likuran niya at tinitigan ang gunting. Castian doesn't want anyone to cut his hair but me. He's been traumatized by the sound of the razor when he was little and it didn't go away. I could say I have experience in cutting a Treveron's hair.

I bit my lower lip and shucked the thoughts away before I pulled at his hair gently. The soft tangle of hair felt weightless in my hands. Napabuntong-hininga ako bago sinimulan ang paggupit.

"Alam mo, ang yaman-yaman mo pero napaka-barat mo. Ni barbero ayaw mong pag-gastusan." I commented while snipping away at his hair.

His broad shoulders rose up and down in a chuckle. He tried to turn to me, but I quickly held his head to keep him still and continue what I was doing.

"I don't like anyone else touching my hair."

My heart skipped a beat.

Like Castian.

I tensed behind him, my knuckles turning white from holding the scissors too tight. My small step backward sounded in the room. This time, Rigor turns to me, his handsome face warped in confusion.


Kaagad akong umiling. I'm holding the scissors too tight I thought my fingers would bleed. I gestured for him to turn back. He gives me one last look of confusion before settling back in his chair.

Rigor reached for his MacBook. The screen glowed. Hindi ko maiwasang hindi mapatingin sa ginagawa niya. He opened his email and scrolled down. He's ignoring a lot of messages from different people, or companies. He clicked one particular email and showed it to me.

"We've visiting the Save Smiles organization tomorrow. This is the org I'm talking about. The founder wants me to meet the kids."

"Kaya mo ba pinagupitan ang buhok mo?"

He nods. My heart melts. I am grateful he does not see my face right now as it turns soft at how soft he is.

"I have a niece..." he said slowly. "She doesn't really come to me because of my long hair so I figured..." his fingers reached for the back of his neck to scratch an invisible itch.

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon