Chapter 20

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"Kumain ka na ba?"

I was staring at his back, pre-occupied with how good it looks even in the dim light. He only has LET units enrolled, so I guess he has more free time now and can work out anytime he wants.


"Huh?" startled, I looked up at him. Sinamaan ko siya ng tingin nang pitikin niya ang noo ko. Rubbing my sore forehead, I scowled. "What?"

"Have you eaten yet?"

Nag-isip pa ako bago sumagot. Kung anu-ano nalang kasi ang pumapasok sa isipan ko, idagdag mo pa ang inaakto ni Sorcha kaya napakasabog kong kausap ngayon.

"Uhm... hindi pa."

"Let's order some food." He offered.

"Hindi na!" agap ko kaagad. I'm nearing the end of my money and a lot of unnecessary expenses were made during the intrams because food trucks are literally everywhere in the campus. Tuloy, nawala ako sa budget. "Magluluto na lang ako."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, going to my kitchen. It's a small studio-type unit kaya kita ko pa rin siyang nakatayo sa mini living room. He looked so out of place in my small unit.

"Ano nga pala ang gusto mong pag-usapan?" tanong ko habang hinahanap ang takip ng rice cooker. I tip-toed to reach my cupboard and was startled when Rigor's hand suddenly appeared on top of mine. He effortlessly opened the cupboard for me. Napalunok ako nang maramdaman ang presensiya niya sa likuran ko. Even though I'm dating him already, I still couldn't get used to his overwhelming presence and his alluring smell.

"It's about your friend."

Natigilan ako sa sinabi niya. Nang lingunin ko siya, seryosong nakatingin si Rigor sa akin. I nodded slowly and bit my lower lip.

"Bakit? Anong meron?" I tried to lighten up the mood but he remained serious.

Rigor casually leaned against my kitchen counter, tearing his gaze from me.

"I think she's doing drugs."

Nabitawan ko ang takip ng rice cooker sa sinabi niya. Umalingawngaw ang pagkahulog nito sa sahig. I did not even bother to look at it as I stared at Rigor.


He sighed, as if he's been expecting this kind of reaction from me. Kaagad akong na-offend pero hindi ko ito ipinakita sa kaniya.

"Thyron's worried about her so he had her followed-"

"Wait, what?" halos tumaas ang boses ko.

Rigor remained calm as I trembled in front of him. "She's really doing drugs, Czarina... with that Collin guy."

I wanted to be rational about this but I hated the way it sounds from him. I could see the mute accusation in his eyes whenever he talks about my friend.

"Your brother had no right to follow her." Matigas kong wika, pilit na tinataboy ang pag-usbong ng galit sa dibdib ko. "And I think he's just bitter because Sorcha chose Collin over him."

This time, it was Rigor's turn to frown.

"What are you even talking about, Cherié-"

"Don't cherié me!" I yelled, getting completely mad. "I hate that you and your brother are just doing things the way you want because you guys are rich and capable. That's considered stalking, you know? And even if it's true, Sorcha has every right over her privacy!"

Rigor stared at me for a few moments, and I could feel his fire-lit gaze piercing through my soul. Instead of mirroring my anger, he just sighed.

"You're not really mad at me, Czarina. You're mad because you had to hear it from me instead of Sorcha. If she's really your friend, she will tell you."

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon