Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

All of a sudden, my world turned upside down. Parang sinusunog ang baga ko sa sobrang hapdi habang nanginginig ang buong katawan. Rey immediately noticed that something is wrong with me. Inilapag niya ang hawak na papel at nilapitan ako.

"Ayos ka lang ba, Czarina?"

"I...hah...uhh...." halos hindi ako makasagot sa kaniya. I could barely breathe! I clutched my chest as hot tears blurred my vision.

"Siya ba yun?"

"Mas sexy pala sa personal..."

"Madami kaming nakapila sa iyo, Zari. Patikim lang."

Parang sirang plaka na paulit-ulit kong naririnig ang sinabi nila sa akin kanina. Nabitawan ko na ang phone ko at natutop ang bibig kasabay ng pagbagsak ng mga luha.

"Czarina!" halos yugyugin ni Rey ang balikat ko. We are still in the middle of a program! We are now supposed to give signals to the host and the candidates on when to pause, pose, and exit but now I couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm sorry..." tuloy-tuloy ang agos ng luha ko at dahan-dahang inalis ang mga kamay niya. "I'm sorry..."

Hindi ko na siya pinasagot pa at mabilis na umalis sa backstage. I was still crying when I left, so most of my blockmates were asking me what's wrong while the comm students are staring at me weirdly. Wala ako sa sariling naglakad palabas. When I left the AVP room, the noise in my head finally died down. Nag-angat ako ng tingin at inisip kaagad kung saan tatago.

I can't see these people right now. I just can't. Ni anino ko ayokong ipakita sa kanila. My chest is still burning and my tears are nonstop. Nanginginig kong kinuha ang phone nang mag-vibrate ulit ito.


San ka?

I didn't bother to reply. Ibinalik ko 'to sa bulsa at umalis na ng campus. I headed straight at home and locked the door. As soon as I was alone, I burst into more tears.

Hingal na hingal ako at halos hindi na makahinga sa sobrang iyak habang nasa kama. I fell asleep crying. When I woke, my body is aching all over and I could feel the heavy puffiness of my eyes that are sore from crying. I dragged myself out of the bed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. It didn't even soothe me a bit. Isinandal ko ang ulo sa pader at pumikit.

Napaigtad ako nang biglang may kumatok sa pintuan. Then, I heard Sorcha's demanding voice to open up. Kinagat ko ang pang-ibabang labi, nagdadalawang-isip kung papapasukin ba ang kaibigan. One glance at the wall clock and I saw that it's already 8 in the evening. Kaninang 6 pa natapos ang program...

I slowly walked to the door and opened it. As soon as I did, Sorcha burst inside.

"What the hell is wrong with that jerk?! Does he have a fucking death wish?!" galit na galit niyang singhal.

Bumuntong-hininga ako at isinara ang pinto.

"I already talked to my brothers about it. You have to file a case against him, Czarina!"

"I can't..." mahina kong imik.

"What the fuck?"

Kanina ko pa nakita ang litratong kumakalat sa GC. Possibly the entire population of Sta. Veronica College have seen it by now. Kanina ko din napagtanto ang totoo...

"Hindi ako yun, Sorch."


"I... never did it with him." I hugged myself and looked down.

Deceret Series #2: Bleed for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon