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1) Cover - 5 - Does the cover look attractive? Is it catchy? Does it suit the story well?

2) Title - 5 - Does the title suit the story? The words used, is it creative and unique?

3) First Impression - 10 - First impression, makes the best impression. How did you feel when you started reading the book? What did you like in it? Did you feel like leaving the book in middle?

4) Grammar and punctuation - 15 - Judges should do strict checking on grammar and punctuation. Are the punctuation marks placed correctly? Are the capitalization for words used properly? Are the words placed asterisk? Do check on them.

5) Plot - 15 - Is the plot interesting or common? Did it awake the interest in you? Is it unique?

6) Vocabulary - 10 - Choice of words are important. Are the words simple or twisted? Any mispellings present? Are the words used properly to express emotions and dialogues? Does the writing style fit the story?

7) Descriptive writing - 10 - How did the author describe the scenes and emotions? How is the pace? Is it steady, rushed or it's too slow? Does the writing connect to the chapters?

8) Description - 5 - How is the blurb? Is it unique? Is it too big or short? Does it reveal much about the story? Does it make you to read the story?

9) Character Development- 10 - Development of a character is very important. And this is where the authors try to explain and portray all the sides and shades of the characters in the story. Is the development in the characters good? Is there equal character development among the charactres in the story? Is something lacking within the characters? How did the characters make you feel.

10) Emotions - 15 - Did the author make you to feel the emotions that they wanted you to feel through the characters? How well the emotions are described? Did you feel some situations or scenes in the story like, damn! I can feel you!, it's so me!, I've been through the same bro! Do you feel like you were there with the characters inside the story? Or did you feel the characters as you sometimes?



Judges should send their results and reviews through my WATTPAD INBOX. KINDLY, BE ACTIVE.

Judges, you should give marks and  should also explain while evaluating the books. For example,

Cover - 5/5 -> Marks and reason.
Title - 5/5  - > Marks and reason.

The same applies to each and everypoints mentioned above (1-10).

Judging will start soon. Stay tuned!


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