120 22 0

Judges, kindly send the results and reviews in the given format.

Book name -
Username/Author -
Category -

1) Cover - 5/5 - Marks and reason.

2) Title - 5/5 - Marks and reason.

3) First Impression - 10/10 - Marks and reason.

4) Grammar and punctuation - 15/15 - Marks and reason.

5) Plot - 15/15 - Marks and reason.

6) Vocabulary - 10/10 - Marks and reason.

7) Descriptive writing - 10/10 - Marks and reason.

8) Description - 5/5 - Marks and reason.

9) Character Development - 10/10 - Marks and reason.

10) Emotions - 15/15 - Marks and reason.

Total - 100

This is to avoid confusions and for the smooth functioning of awards. Thank you.


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