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1] story title :: Smile For Me | JIKOOK
author username :: drowsyjimin

cover : 4.5/5 : perfect, matches the book theme, itd be better if you would use actual pictures of jikook but this is good too!

title : 5/5 : suits the story, the title itself grabbed my attention and is unique

first impression : 10/10 : the story started off in a very attention grabbing way, starting with his crush and his confusion on his feelings. it catches attention and made me want to continue reading, the tiny details really made it interesting!

grammar and punc : 14/15 : Punctuation was on point and perfect, grammar was used correctly but there were few lines where you misspelled some words. and all kind of punctuation was visible!

plot : 15/15 : i gave full on this criteria because the plot is different than any i have read so far, it revolves around the idea of love among the same gender, further more, love amongst band members. which is a less talked topic. the entire plot was a rollercoaster of emotions and how jimin faces challenges because of having a crush on jungkook. the way you mixed reality with fiction and used possible challenges someone in that situation could face

vocab : 10/10 : vocabulary was to the point. There were no misspellings either! your choice of words are great. There's no doubt about it.

descriptive writing : 10/10 : your descriptive writing is amazing! you payed attention and jotted every detail possible in the book, it really made me see the scene in my inner eye

description : 5/5 : short but very interesting, it automatically grabs the attention of a reader. the description was different than most ones which made it even more interesting! good job

character : 10/10 : Every character had their own specialty, you linked their personality with their real personalities which made it even better! i loved how jungkooks character developed from hating jimin drastically

emotions : 15/15 : the emotions were PERFECTLY explained, no matter what emotion it was, you never failed to describe it perfectly, sadness, anger, confusion and happiness was all mentioned, especially confusion of their feelings was the most important part and you conveyed it correctly too! overall the book was an amazing rollercoaster of emotions and i loved it! great job!

total : 98.5/100


2] story title :: Cruel Destiny||Jikook❦︎ᵒⁿ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ

Author username :: _Sugarita

cover : 3/5 : there were few things you need to change, firstly the fonts, the idea of putting two together is great however go with two more blend-able or matching fonts. and maybe you could use a picture of jungkook and jimin together instead of that edit

title : 5/5 : it was really interesting and short, perfect

first impression : 8/10 : it seemed interesting yet not so much at the same time, try starting with something more hooking so readers would enjoy

grammar and punc : 10/15 : there were lots of missing punctuations, no spaces or breaks in needed places, and many grammatical errors too

plot : 11/15 : it was interesting, however confusing at many parts, you could alter those few chapters and rewrite them so those scenes don't confuse readers, other than that it was interesting, though it was slightly boring at some times and may lose readers attention.

vocab : 10/10 : the vocabulary was perfect and used correctly, so good job

descriptive writing : 6/10 : it wasn't well written and wouldn't give enough details so there's a lot of improvement you could make, other than that, there were few scenes where it was well written so good job!

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