81 9 42

1] Book title:: Regret PJM
author:: CutieGhost0746
category:: Oneshots/short stories

cover : 5/5 : it matches the story theme and gives hint that its going to be sad, and editing is done perfectly as well

title : 5/5 : matches story

first impression : 8/10 : the intro wasn't done well and wasn't really interesting, it seemed like a cliche plot

grammar and punctuation: 10/15 : punctuation was wrong at times, overuse of full stops, missing commas in many sentences. and grammar was very basic, there weren't adjectives to describe speeches and some sentences were incomplete

plot : 7/15 : im sorry but it was very cliche, i guessed the entire story from halfway in, but some scenes were interesting

vocab : 7/10 : basic and simple vocabulary, but used correctly

descriptive writing : 4/10 : there wasn't much of the descriptive writing, and if there was, it wasn't detailed

description : 5/5 : short, gave hints to the book and interesting

character : 4.5/10 : there wasn't much information on the characters, no features were described, not much background story either

emotions : 10/15 : anger, sadness and lust was included, but the sadness wasn't described very well

total : 65.5/100


2] story title :: Bts Oneshot
author username :: kim_cherry_madhatter
category : Oneshots/short stories

cover : 5/5 : appealing and eye catching, editing isn't shabby

title : 1/5 : very simple, not very attracting but gives info on the story

first impression : 7/10 : it wasn't very attracting but it seemed interesting to read

grammar and punc : 12/15 : perfect grammar, and punctuation was good as well, but it was missing at some places, and excessive full stops and less commas

plot : 15/15 : creative and interesting plots

vocab : 8.5/10 : good vocabulary, but it was misused at some places, avoid using korean words such as 'omo'

descriptive writing : 10/10 : descriptive writing was visible and written very well, descriptive imagery was perfect as well

description : 2.5/5 : short, related to the book but try making it eye catchy

character : 9.5/10 : there was good information and character description! try adding a bit more of light background information, rest is perfect

emotions : 12/15 : since lust was mostly included and it was conveyed very nicely, ill give you 12.5 but try including more emotions

total : 82.5/100


3] Book title :: After life MYG
author username ::Mochi_archer
category : Oneshots/shot stories

cover : 4.5/5 : edited well, gives the correct aura, the filter was not needed but its good anyway

title : 5/5 : interesting, catches attention

first impression : 10/10 : seemed very fun to read, the first few lines had me hooked to the book

grammar and punc : 13.5/15 : use more punctuation! add more commas where they can be used, grammar is perfect!

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