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1] Book: Romance in the convenience store
Author: AlienboyfriendTae
Category: Min Yoongi

1. cover: 4/5
Its kinda nice, also it goes well with the story. Basically it’s just Yoongi being hawt, as usual.

2. Title: 5/5
The title goes well with the story. It is self-explanatory. So no comments.

3.1st impression: 8/10
I hate grammar mistakes… Atleast in the 1st few chapters of the story. It kills my interest. Also you got those marks because of the way you described everything. It got me captivated.

4.Grammar and punctuations: 10/15
Like I said I hate having grammar mistakes, It ruins the vibe also, if the mistakes are in the first chapter. A little rereading might help you improve.

5. Plot: 13/15
The plot was unique, but I have read this kind of story… but atleast it is not the same as the books I read before.
So it is still unique for me.

6.Vocabulary: 7/10
Everything is fine but, why did you use ‘Get misplaced’? Just why? You could have used ‘Get lost’, ‘Fuck off’, ‘Go away’ but no, you used ‘Get misplaced’ It made it so weird to read. Basically, it didn’t go well. Also, did you google its meaning
? Because it says something else.

7:Descriptive Writing: 10/10
When I say I need a well described story, this is what I mean and I am talking about. The descriptions where so good it made me fucking excited and satisfied.

8.Description: 5/5
Usually, I don’t like long descriptions but I will make an exception for you because it had all the basic necessity. It wasn’t too revealing, just purr-fect.

9. Character Development: 9/10
I liked Yoongi’s character development a lot he changed without making any necessary changes. So, it was ‘nais’.

10:Emotions: 14/15
You described it so well, OMG, yeah, I could relate taking the note that, I am a person who has monkey like nature along with deep thinking and mature nature. Of course, excluding the allergies. But it was nice.



2] Book: Born Killers
Author : preronasaha
1.Cover: 5/5
The cover is so ghood, also the digital art is so nice. These types of covers in general indicate the story is going to be a bop and expectations sky rocket.

2.Title: 5/5
The title explains, itself, a typical mafia story, It is Yoongi’s Gang name. So, I’m fine with it. Kinda appealing too.

3.1st impression: 7/10
The overall stuff indicates the depth and darkness of the story and honestly, I’m a sucker for mafia FF, with a little realistic plot. This is one of them. But but but, The grammar mistakes at the 1st page. It is just so annoying.

4. Grammar and punctuation:9/15
I hate to say, this is the part where I actually give importance to the most and cut marks accordingly. And OH MY GHAD, after reading the first 5 pages I was sitting on my bed regretting all my life decisions.
Girl, Did you ever reread or try to re-edit your story? Honestly the grammar mistakes were such a distraction that it made me go off track the impression was kinda ruined. So, I had to reread it. Before stating my judgment.

5. Plot:13/15
Plot is dark, wild and yet classy, I love these kind of stories. Hmm, sounds like cliché but ok… Little cliché is good for health.

6.Vocabulary: 5/10
Oh please, I can’t give you more marks here. The mistakes are too much to handle and so hectic. I generally skip the stories with that many mistakes. No matter how good the plot is, I would still skip it…
Because I care about my own English grammar, cause I have to work on my English too my mother tongue isn’t English. But me being the English class topper can’t bear with this.

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