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1] Book name : The Duke
Username of author : MaknaeVickookie
Category : Kim Taehyung

1. Cover - <5/5>
The cover is quite plain but still it does represent the title and the description very well. Nice work.    

2. Title - <5/5>
Well matched with the story and the cover!

3. First impression - <4/5>
Well you have done a pretty good job in this task too but there's something lacking here. Maybe it could be the cover as I said it's just plain. Hence, try adding some more effects or a quote to it. It's up to you.

4. Grammar and punctuation - <11/15>
I didn't find anything in particular about punctuation hence it seemed fine. But when it comes to grammatical errors, there's a quite few I noticed. And I'd list some of them though they are not everything.

E.g. - "what a good acting" - instead of this you can say "what a good actor"

"Are you both like... Couple? " - this doesn't sound right so you could correct it into "are you both a couple now?" or "do you like each other?"

And as you can see, these are minor errors and since the author is not a native speaker, these are bound to be made. Thus, I guess the author probably didn't yet edit the chapters. So I suggest you to re-read every chapter and edit them or use a tool like grammarly.

E.g - "they knew they were from a foreign country."

I guess here you meant to say he (Taehyung ) knew it. So what I am trying to say is these typos and little errors can hinder the flow of the story and readers may get confused.

5. Plot <14/15>
The plot upto the chapter you have updated is going well. The writer has done a good job in not revealing every piece of information at once but with not too slow of a pace, she's carrying the story. However, the begining seemed a bit too rushed as she sleeps and gets up to the encountering of the fantasy world she herself had created. Other than that, the plot was unique and I loved it.

6. Vocabulary - <9/10>
The author's vocabulary is good but do try to add few more words that add up to 19th century. Maybe some old English here and there? Again, it's just a suggestion.

7. Descriptive writing - <10/10>
I loved the way you have described everything. There's nothing much to say here other than a keep it up!

8. Description - <3/5>
Again, the description also affects the first impression. Try to give a more detailed description of the story. Include the antagonist too attract the reader.

9. Character development - <8/10>
The writer has clearly brought the change in Taehyung's behavior towards Y/N but there's this instance where the time skips to where they've become stronger and more masculine. Instead of entirely skipping the the development, describe it. How taehyung and Jungkook has matured and how they are busy. Other than that the rest of the characters are fine.

10. Emotions - < 10 /15>
When it comes to emotions, you have described the emotions of the duke very well. Then comes Y/N and Jungkook. Though you have included emotions regarding them, they have to be more detailed. For an example, we gets to know Jungkook likes Y/N, his childhood best friend. But we don't why he likes her? Tell the readers what he likes about her just like you've done with Taehyung. And for Y/N, we get to know Taehyung is her  favorite and she tries to change the plot of her own story but we are limited to what she actually feels about this whole situation. Detail her distress and emotions a bit more of how she needs to protect Taehyung but she also likes Jungkook.

Total - <79/100>


Author - kim_cherry_madhatter
Category: Kim Taehyung

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