Ch. 4

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After some more chuckle she realised how much the time passed. She said good by then started to run.

... That was pretty exhausting...

Y/n then stealthily go and find a big enough bush to hide her body while she sleeping.


Today is my 15 day's and I'm still in the school.
I'm still thinking to go and "borrow" some food.

It's quite something that I'm not hungry. After all this is my 15. day and I only ate a half sandwich. I didn't even drink anything and I don't feel bad.

Maybe this body don't need it? But sometimes I really want to eat....

Hmm.... Anyway, I still don't know what should I do. I mean, I can't stay here forever and I have to figure out what should I do with my new life.

After 2 or 3 days, while I was hiden the hunters started to get tired and didn't search after my fluff.

To be honest, I myself feel tired. While they ran around I started to use my otaku knowledge to train myself.

After some terrible attempt I'm finally able to control some of my power. First, I learned to hide my presence. Now even if I go in the school there will be no one who will find it strange.

The next was detection. Thanks to my heightened sense as a dog it was easy to learn. It just that I have to focus a lot if I want to use it longer then 3 minute. And then I will be vulnerable to attacks.

Another thing that I learned of this body that it's can shape shift. So now I'm not as big as a bear. But it was the hardest, most difficult and instabil ability that I learned.

In the first place it was not intentional.  I was almost discovered and pee myself when my aura suddenly started to move and two big wings grow in my back.

Well, it was quite the hassle to change it back... When I suddenly sarted to grow I thought it's ower but then I srunk. That was the first and last time that I used that skill.

Anyway, I'm currently sitting in front of the cafeteria backdoor. This place become my and Jin-ah secret meeting point. Yep, we become friends!

At first I didn't know what she doing here again. But after seeing her sad face I got concerned and came out. She was surprised when she saw the now much smaller body. After that day she regularly came and give me some food and drink.

it was very uncomfortable when she petted me at first but I gradually got used to it. Now even if she couddle I won't flinch.


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