Ch. 27

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After 3 days Y/n met Go Gun-he again. They went and evaluate her with that big orb and as expected it showed an error sight. They straightaway went to the hunter association, did the other test and the paper work.

Of course the media was there too. At last they waited in front of the association to the 2 people. No wonder, since Y/n attribute in the end was defined as beast type healer. She didn't hide from them though.

"Are you sure you want to go out now?"

Asked the chairman behind from the hunter association front door.

"Yep. I want to give them what they want one's and make sure that they know their place."

Y/n smiled at the old man then stepped out from behind the door. At first she thought she died again because she only see white lights but in truth, it was only the camera's flash. She was really annoyed. Normally if someone hide their eyes it would be fine but Y/n sense's are too sensitive to tolerate it. So she shouted out of anger while using her overpowering skill for 2 seconds.


As expected, they stopped the extreme photo bombing and instead they switched to filming.

"Can you introduce yourself?"

"What type of skill do you have? It says you are a beast type healer?"

"Why are you have animal parts? Is it because of the skills?"

"oh my! If you ask this much at the same time I won't be able to keep up! Let's see. My name is L/n Y/n. I came from the country side because of my parents death. My parents were good friends with the chairman so I come to ask for a little help. Who thought that I will be a hunter hahahaha"

"Can you demonstrate your skills?"

"Hmm~ My healing skill as its name says, can heal. It kinda troublesome to use it right now but I think at max I'm capable to regrow lost limps with it. Ah! I saw a lost cat  2 days ago. The poor thing ran in front of a car and lost its head. Fortunately, I was there and saved it right away. "

The reporter's was in shock! They thought the same think. Y/n knew what it was and corrected them.

" I didn't resurrect it. My skill didn't work if the injured died more then 3 seconds ago. And I lose conscious for 2 day. It's not a game, if I were to be using it as I please I would die. Not to mention I feel the same pain as the other party. So it's no joke."

The reporter's were silence for a while then one brave man asked about her other skills. Y/n happily smiled and explained them kindly.

" My other skill name shape shift. It's kind of annoying but when I awakened this ears and tail grow out. I can change my form as I please but it's not the same for the original. For example... "

She transformed into one of the chairman, everyone was surprised.

"As you guys see I can do this but that's it. Even if I could use his skills I can't beat the original. After all I'm a healer. Oh! If we're at it can I show you something amazing? ~"

The reporters thought that nothing can amazed them anymore so they agreed. Y/n started to concentrate and for a moment she closed her eyes. When she opened them again she saw the reporter's blushing and shocked face. Of course, she now changed into a holy being, an archangel. She had multiple wings, a golden gloria which looked like the sun, beautiful long and curly golden-blond hair, eyes like sparkling blue crystals and a very dominant body type. Her white simple but elegans outfit perfectly fit her new form and in her hands was a spectre that looked like as if it's control the whole universe. Her body slightly glowed. It was like a divine messenger came down from heaven.

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