Ch. 13

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^ *sniff*... *whining * I didn't want to hurt Jin-woo... ^

...... She know me?....


Y/n still sniffing and trying to figures out what can she do. Jin-woo deep in thought again. Jin-ah who heard the noise got nervous and ran to the bathroom. As you know Jin-woo locked it so our sis banged on the door and loudly asked about the situation.

"Brother what's going on there?? You're really noisy! Everything alright?"

^Jin-ah! Help me! *whining* I think I broke your brother! ^

That's it. Jin-woo reached his limit. He started to laugh at their conversation. His body shook and there was some tear trop in the corner of his eyes.

Y/n couldn't react at first. She really thought that she hurt him and when she realized that Jin-woo laughing at her, y/n suddenly felt really embarrassed.

^What the... So he fine.. ^

BUT, she wasn't. The sudden realization how stupid she acted and that he just made fun of her the whole time, hit her especially hard. Y/n truly cares about him and was worried sick.

^I was really worried... ^

Jin-woo stoped laughing and looked at the watery dog in front of him. He could feel some mana from it. Much more than the last time. Y/n face was terrible disturbed. She had a deep frown in her serious wolf like face.

Jin-woo suddenly felt guilty. He knew that what he did, not right but still he done it. He felt a slight regret. He knew he went too far with his joke. When he reached his hand to pat her head and apologize, she evaded.

^You don't even know how much I care for you two! I know I'm suspicious but it was really necessary to make fun of me? Really? I know I don't have the right to say this but I'm really disappointed, Sung Jin-woo. ^

She turned and shook her body. While at it she used her purification skill too. Now she clean.

She knew that Jin-woo was suspicious of her from the begining and thanks to her high sense, she could feel the mana around her. It was impossible to hide her odd status any longer. But she didn't care, sinse she doesn't want to lie to him.

She used her mouth unlocked and open the door. She ran to the room which has the strongest scent of Jin-ah and hide half her body under her bed. ( 'couse she too big)

Jin-ah just stood and looked at the bizarre events. Her bro in the floor wearing only a towel, totally wet reaching out with a stupid face. Her precious white cloud like dog ran to her room like she know that it's hers.


Jin-woo looked at his sis with a serious face and gulped like she would tell him a national secret.

"I thought I said that its won't work."

"Oh thanks the usefull info!... Now, If you finished I will put on some clothes. "

"Yeah, you should."

*slaped the door*

"*sigh* What with him?"

Sinse her brother in the bathroom she decided to go and check out her fluff ball in her room. At first she worried if y/n could get out but it doesn't seemed like she stuck. Jin-ah sat beside y/n and stroke her back. Y/n responded with whining and a sigh.

"Must have been hard. Did my oppa hurt you or make you uncomfortable? He quite stubborn some times. But don't mind him. If he bully you just come to me and I'll scold him for you!"


No respond no reply. After about 10 minute's, Jin-ah heard a knock on her door and her bro voice.

" Jin-ah are you there? "

" Yes. Come in. "

" How is it? Did she do anything weird? "

" Beside not coming out or responding she didn't do anything weird. Just what did you do to her? Wait.. Did you just call her SHE? what the sudden change?"

"hahaha.... You said and I see too, she really smart! I couldn't call her IT anymore."

... I can't just say that I hear evrything that she think. Jin-ah would think I gone insane...

While Jin-ah proudly told stuff like she said it and she was right Jin-woo took a look at y/n.

" It seems like she sleeping. "

" No wonder she didn't respond! Thanks god she fine."

That's night y/n took revenge. She was as noisy as she could in front of Jin-woo door. Of course, she made sure that only he could hear it making a sound proff barrier. And using her anti-presence skill he couldn't stop her. It was a full fledged revenge.

But after 3 hour she stoped. She recalled what she learned after waking up in Jin-ah room.
(Living in Korea for a while she learned some words.)


After successfully avoiding and not even glancing at the future shadow's monarch she accidentally overheard their conversation.

"Oppa where are you going? Raiding a gate again?"

"No....This time I go with the mining team."

"Oh~ You finally give up being a hunter?"

"No. I just want to try this too. And I'm sure you know that you're being rude."

"But you still like me." *big smile*

*sigh* "What do I do with you.."

He patted her head then looked at the white fur direction, then leaved. Y/n thought she hide herself well but some of her fur still peeked out.


Y/n got nervous. She remembered that there was only 2 times when he went with the mining team, and both was between the rank reevalutions.

... He probably waiting the S rank reevalutions... Then we're around the middle part. Even though I say that, when I died the manhwa was still going on...

She knew he was fine both time but couldn't help feeling nervous. She worried that her presence might change his fate and he will suffer even more.

That's why after another hour she decide to check on him. Y/n thought he would be asleep. So she opend the door and carefully not to make any sound, walked to his bed.

She put her front paws on the bed and take a look.

^ Seems to be fine. I didn't sense any abnormalities in his mana circle nor blood smell. ^

Y/n leans over to check his breathing and pulse. When her cold nose touch his neck he flinched but no more respond.

^i-It scared me!... Furtunately he still asleep. ^

..... I'm wide awake.....

Y/n climbed up the bed and after covering him with his blanket a little more, she laid down beside him.

^*sigh* I can't get angry at Jin-woo for too long... You makes me more worried... Even thought I know you will be fine...^


^Good night Jin-woo. I hope you have some pleasant dreams.^

Jin-woo didn't know why himself but his ears was as red as a tomato.

Jin-woo wakes up to feel something soft in his palm.


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