Ch. 6

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As you guys know I decided to protect Jin-ah. To do so I will inspect the school every day at last 3 time.

Yep, I have a lot of time but that's not the reason! I only remember that the dungeon break happened durring the day and it was in a storage room. I think...

"UGH!" *trembling*

... Again this feeling... I can sense a chilling gaze some times from behind...

... It's started after I rejected Jin-ah food the 3. time... I just hope that it's not who I think is... Unfurtunetly I can sense some of his shadows....

... F*ck it! Is it that bad to reject some food?! I didn't forced her!...

Y/n got so pissed she turned to the direction where the presents come from and glared at them. The shadow's started to move away and soon she couldn't sense them.

... F*ck! Hell! I feel like a rat in a jar! I know I'm getting closer to your sister and I'm suspicious but can you do it less obviously!?...

Y/n stoped at a deserted room. Looking at the door in deep thought.

... I feel so sad, annoyed, empty and scared when I think the person that I look up and respect considering to kill me... I know HE not someone who kill just because he like it. If he really decides so that's means that I'm too dangerous to leave be....

Currently it's the middle of the day. And this room used by the school delinquents are not empty.

... You guys don't make my life easier either...

After checking that the room only has normal humans and no hunters she slapped the door open. Her anti-presence skill active so nobody saw her. After seeing them like that she decided.

... It's healthy to do some sports to release some stress. These ugly ducks perfect for a magic experience too...

Y/n mouth curved to an evil smile. If the boys could see her now, they would either faint or pee in there pants.

She mobilized some of here mana and created some inpact. 2 out of 5 was knocked out 1 collapsed in the floor peeing in his pants. 1 trembling terrible out af fear. Only 1 seemed to be fine but wary.

... He seems to be their boss. Now, how shall I punish these bad boys?~...

Y/n wore a more terrifying smile  before she started to take control over the air in the room.

The room temperature dropped drastically while fog started to come from nowhere. The boys heard a loud slap. They know it was the door but no one dared to move. That was when the shutters suddenly shut down tightly.

There's no light and the fog make it harder to breath. The boss now seriously think that something will appear in any minutes. And that was when y/n used a pretty new skill. She made them a mirage.

It was in a moment. They find themselves in the wood. There were only trees and fog. Than they heard a sound . A sound that no one want to hear in the forest. It was a wolf's howl.


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