Ch. 39

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Go Gun-he was thinking about how he reached his limit. He has some health issues and so his wife called him out of concern. After finishing the call he lazily sat back thinking he should head home.
However he suddenly felt the danger that a closed space suggested.

He was right. Soon his eyes met with an ice elf's.
The elf created some ice shards and shoot it to him with easy. It landed making the receiver groan.

{ It seems we have an unwanted guest. }

The old man looked shocked at the girl who shouldered the ice attacked.

"Grandpa, this isn't a dream so focus!"
*She pulled the ice out and healed*

Sweating, he asked the strange man.
"So who are you?"

The elf stood up preparing for  battle.

{ I was hoping you would recognize me without me having to tell you, but...
Looks like you are a mere human after all. }



{ Ho~, so you know me? But...
I don't have an interest in playing around with weaklings.
{ Perhaps you're worried your medium will break if you do?}

"Like hell I will let that happen! Grandpa!"

Y/n throw a bracelet made out of beads to Go Gun-he, who hurriedly put it on.

^It will heal you. I made it so if you get hurt it will suck my holy power and heal you! As long as you wear it you won't die!^

{ His body bound to break sooner or later no matter what you do.
And if you're really worried about something like that... Then this conversation is pointless.}

The ice elf launched an icy mana ball towards them which, when landed on the floor froze the whole place.

"Sh*t! OLD MAN!"

{ Ah, we meet at last
The most brilliant fragment of luminosity.}

{"You isolated my office from the outside world and trapped it in a dimensional crack. Not bad."}

{ I have been looking for you for a long time.
To think that you were struggling to use your true power while trapped inside a broken medium.
We have already found the locations of all 7 of your fragments and we have already broken 2 of them.
All I wanted was to see the embarrassment on your prideful face before I killed you. Now that I've seen it, I can destroy you without any regret.}


{ So you choosing to fight? How foolish. You, who is merely borrowing the body of a  human, versus me, who has completely conquered one. Do you really think you can land even a single hit on me?}

... Holy sh*t! They're insane! Only a few seconds passed but the mana flow in this place is so intense!
.. But.. Isn't my existence being ignored?... Ugh... Even if I can keep up or be faster then them I can't be of help. That b*stard wouldn't even flinch no matter how many attack I get on him. Then..

^Hey, fragment! I will try to weaken the barrier until then keep his attention on you and if you get a good change give an attack on the weak spot!
Then Jin-woo's shadow can slip out and call him!^

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