Ch. 16

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As all of us know there will be a stupid man and this and that will happen bla bla bla~ So he got his S rank.


As everyone knows the internet and the media was blown up with the new S ranker. The guilds also want to get him. Y/n of course saw all of this. I mean, as a fan she couldn't just leave and not give even a good look at these important events.

She was far away in the shadows. Y/n need to hide herself. Even though she manage to shrug to that of a normal dog she have to control her mana so the high-rank hunter's not catch her.

*giggle * That a face worth the trouble.

*giggle * That a face worth the trouble

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Even big cat face... Pfffftt-🤣 like 'Oh lord.. ' hahaha- oh he moving! I need to go!

If anything else, she was confident in her sense and speed. Even though she not as strong as Jin-woo, no one can beat her in speed and sense.

As y/n followed Jin-woo from far away she thought..

Even though I saw this before it still surprise me how the big cat catch up quicker then the snake. Well, not my problem.

Hmm... About time that Jin-ho get kicked out and the gorilla get the news in the hospital.

Ah- He get in a building... I can't go in, he will find me... Let's just listen what they talking..

"I have been appraising artifacts for a long time, but this is the first red dyed orb that I've seen!"

                         .... I bet ya! Hehe...

"It really is able to aplify magic by 100%..."
... Even the most famous artifact master craftsman can creat orbs with about 50% amplifications after pouring out their heart and soul....
... If Choi Jong-in where to see this, he would be walking in here with stacks of cash..
"Where did you purchase this?"

"I found it in a dungeon."

                            .... Well, you're not lieing but still...

"You found this in a dungeon?"
... You can found something like this in a dungeon?...
"Would you like to auc-

Ah! Mo~ I give up, this is so boring! Just get your stuff and go somewhere else!

Oh it's time to pick up Jin-ah. I bet big cat still thinking todays events. Hehe


Yesterday was a little boring... When will he go to the tower? He need to go out of the picture so I can start my plans... Hmm? Is that... Jin-ho! What's up boy? You got kicked out? Pft - I need to see and hear this!! High sense do your job!

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