Ch. 32

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... There's nothing. Not even a thing, not a colour or sound... It's...

To describe the place where Y/n currently standing was simply.

... NOTHING...

... I can feel as all my strength and energy leave me. My emotions and sense's are dull...I'm sleepy... But.. Strangely I feel I shouldn't close my eyes... Let's walk... Maybe that can keep me awake...

She walking. Without a goal, without a destination. Her mind were blank. She only knew 1 thing. She have to walk.

Y/n didn't know when but at some pont the floor under her feet became mud. It was dark, disgusting and sticky. It made it hard to go forward. At some point she felt that nothing will change and there's not even a reason to keep going. She slowed down, in the end she stopped.

... I'm tired.. How long must I walk?... Can I rest now?.... I don't want to think or feel anything.. I just want to sleep...

Then a young man appeared. He had big eyes, black hair and a slim body. Even though he was not much taller then her, when she looked at his eyes Y/n felt the fire in it. The fire that she, herself forgot. The fire she hadn't felt in a long time.

... Warm... When I see his serious but cute face I can feel warmth in my chest... I want to be next to him...

The boy persistently went forward, Y/n followed him. She was walking beside him. Even though she couldn't talk she wasn't bored at all. When she felt depressed she looked at him and cheered up.

Then screen's appeared one by one. Making them a corridor. All of them showing situation's and event's that the boy experienced. As they walked, the boy appearance gradually changed.
The event's that showed up became more and more like that of a horror film, than any that she actually seen before. The boy also doesn't looked fine. Y/n was worried. Then when she thought to stop him he suddenly grow. Not much but he was unmistakable taller.

She decides to just be on his side. When he looked sad she held his hand. When he felt lonely she patted his back and head.

The event's went on and the cute little boy grew up to be a handsome young man.

She kind of felt annoyed but proud. She was happy that the weak little boy was finally not hurt but... Y/n realized... She couldn't keep up with him anymore.

At first she desperately tried to make the distant shorter, however after it became impossible she gave up.

The screens disappeared with the man she had grow attach.

Betrayal, loneliness, sadness, exhaustion, annoyance, anger, stupidity. The feeling of losing something invaluable.

She felt it all. Big pearl like tears begun to drop in the mud.

... It would have been better if we had never met...

Then a big, wide screen appeared in front of her. It played only one event but it was not something the young man experienced. It was a woman's this time.

The woman mercilessly slaughtered the monsters around her with a big smile on her face. When she got bored she used the monsters like lab rats to experiment new attacks. Sometimes her limbs was sliced off or her body had a deep wound but the woman didn't halt. The opposite. She became faster, fierce and healed herself.

Y/n was scared and disgusted.

... How can she kill with so much joy? Is she really enjoying it? Doesn't she feel the pain? Just.. Just what is she?...

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