Ch. 14

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Jin-woo wakes up to feel something soft in his palm.


...... Hmm.... What is this?...

He was still half asleep. With a big frown and closed eyes he started to discover his surroundings using his hands.

".. Hmm~.."

When he heard a tempting moan his eyes snapped wide.

... What?....

Jin-woo see a woman in his arms. He flinch in surprise causing the girl to moan more.

Jin-woo was confused that's why he didn't notice his hands position.

He lies on his left side, the gurl in front of him on her right side. His left arm on her side while the right between her thigh, from behind. Legs intertwined. He's in shorts so he could clearly feel the girl warmth and soft skin.

When she gently embrace him, he could feel her big and soft bosoms. He unintentionally looked at it. With a light blush on his face he gulped big.

.... So strange...Normaly I would have got or push her away, but... Even thought I don't know who she is I don't want to...

In his chest is a growing feeling. As it grows his sense sharpened. He got even more closer to the girl... Jin-woo could hear his own heart beat intertwined to another. He feel that his face and whole body heat up. Lips touch the girl head and hair.

When Jin-woo open his eyes again, the focus come back to it. He froze.

There's 2 reason. First, the girl naked. Second, she has animal ears and tail. Not to mention he realised his own movements. Like fire his whole face warmed up.

... L-let's get away first...

He used his speed and carefully but fast RAN away

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He used his speed and carefully but fast RAN away. Now he facing his closet. Firstly to calm down and to process the situation.

While thinking what's going on the girl started to wake up.

".. Mmm... Guh.."

He looked at the girl reflexively. Now only her face peeking out from the blanket. Jin-woo doesn't noticed when but a sweet smile formed on his face.

She slowly started to sit up. His blanket still hiding her body. She tremblingly look ahead like a newborn deer. Jin-woo find it very funny and as he cooled down he collected himself.

"who are you.?"

When she heard the question her big ears flinched. She looked at the windows then him, as if she bit in a lemon and lie down again.

^Wtf man.... Why the hell did you have to wake me up?... So noisy.. Go and do your stuff. If dad or mom ask say I'm death. At last gave me 5 no, 10 more minute's.^

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