Ch. 29

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Currently Y/n laying in her bed. She turned to her right then her left. *sigh* with great difficulty she got up and walked out of her room. Looked in the kitchen, walked by the living room and went in the bathroom.
She stopped in front of the mirror.

... The bed is fluffy, the furniture's looks nice, the house made in a modern style, it's simple but elegant. There's not many thing in it but it's comfortable... Grandpa really gave me my dream house...But... But why don't I feel happy? Why do I feel like something missing? Because I'm alone? Because I don't have a family anymore?..

Y/n looked deep in the mirror and lightly touched the reflection of a girl in it.

...This is ridiculous. How can this body be so similar yet different at the same time.
My original body was not very healthy. I was chubby and weak. My skin was very sensitive so even if a mosquito bit it, those place would got purple. I had acne, weak stomach, asthma, high blood pressure and some allergy. Not to mention I probably had issues with my hormones too.
I hated how my hairbreadth was so slim and weak. My face was also ugly and a little manlier then it should be. Probably the effect of the hormonal disorder.

So I hated it.

That's why it's funny. My current body... My eyes look sharp as always. All my birth marks were it was before. Even my breasts size too... It's annoying in many ways but the problem my high... Why? Why can't I be a little taller?! Why should I feel like a dwarf every time I go out!?

*ding dong*

... Who? Beside grandpa and a few people no one knows that I live here. Maybe neighbours?

Y/n walked to the door and used her skills to see who is it. Then she opened the door a little and growled.

"Leave me be. I don't have the mood to deal with you."

"Woah Woah!  I just come to see my new neighbour. Who knew it was a little puppy!"

*slapped the door*

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was just joking! So don't be like this! Ah, that's right. I even brough presents with me!"

After an awkward silent Y/n opened the door. She immediately saw the big pizza and coke in his hands.

".... For now come in."

"Then excuse me. Woah! It's looks cooler then mine! But... Why're there so few things here?"

"You can put it on the table in the living room and sit on the sofa. I will go and get cups from the kitchen."

Not long after she came back and sat down one of the armchair. Took a big slice of pizza and bit in it. The nostalgic taste loosened her nerves and made the conversation flow easier.
(A/n: The magic of a pizza lol)

"So... Why are you here, Byubyu?"

"...Do you really have to call me that?"

Y/n gave a menacing look at him which made him flinch.

"Okay okay I get it! You're really sensitive today... Well, it seems you didn't noticed that your place next to mine... Even though you came here once before.."

*awkward silents*

"... Y/n... Something happened? You don't seems alright..."

Y/n stopped biting on the pizza then put it down. She didn't look up.

" You see, I'm not human... "

" Yes, I knew this much. "
*totally calm instant answer*

" You knew? "
*kind of surprised*

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