Ch. 18

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I hope he alright.

"A guide? You're okey with the entry pass and a guide?"

Asked the Radir clan's lord and Esil, the purple haired demon girl father.

... He must have misunderstood me when I said that I wanted to borrow Esil..

... It's hurts my pride to cut a deal with a human... But had I know this monstrous human was the mester of those black soldiers, I wouldn't have fought with them to begin with...
"You won't put my doughter in danger, correct?"

... A monster that worries for his doughter...
"I will keep my promise."


The lord signalled his subordinate and soon a piece of paper was in Jin-woo hand.

... It's really is the entry pass... Do I need to obtain entry passes from each clan from now on?..

"Will you be able to leave right away?"



... A party system?..


... Sharing experience with party members? But if the amount of sharing experience depending on the contribution...

"If there's a battle, make sure you don't interfere. I will take care of it myself."


Esil blushed from the man's words, not knowing why he really said that to her. Sweet ignorance.

Jin-woo in the other hand was not even thinking about Esil, even though he looking at her. He remembert when y/n was half asleep and walked to the wall and thought.

... She was really lovely at that time. A little clumsy with a pure blushing face. Even her ear tip was dark red...


"Are you fine with not riding your horse?"

"Only the party members can access the movement magic circle. So I can't bring my horse with me."

After this Esil offer Jin-woo to negotiate with the Garshi clan. That's why he thought that the Radir clan friendly with them. Of course that's not the case.

" Then it's fine. You just wait here. It won't take long. "

It only took a few minutes for the flames to erupt along with the screaming from the Garshi clan's castle.

At the same time a serious talk was taking place in the hunter association. Of course y/n was not far away too. She feelt a strong aura from the building even more then 10km away too, so she used her newly acquired map skill to monitor the area.

She was really surprised when she see that the enegy belong to the national level hunter Thomas Andre. But y/n was truly happy that this man willingly come to her. He saved her a trip.

After checking their conversation she decided to follow him. As she do so she unleash more and more energy from her body. As the national level hunter noticed her existence she turned a desolated road and waited for him.

.. He take it too long..

At that moment Andre lounge an attack from behind her. She thought so. That's why in prior y/n used a mirage that look like her and controlled her mana to flow around the fake dog. She's use her anti-presents skill to hide. Even her image is look like a ghost.

"I didn't know that nowadays even monster's soul can hunt people under the bright sun."

^...... ^

"But it doesn't matter. You will soon disappear.!"

Andre was about to give a punch when...

^If you want to save that gorilla subordinate of yours you better stop now. ^

Andre stopped. At first he didn't know who she talking about but soon enough he had a great hunch.

" Are you followed me? From when? "

Y/n didn't hate him. Even thought he has a troublesome personality and sometimes become annoying he mainly in her positive list. So she wanted to help him.

^From the airport. I even listened to your previous conversation in the hunter association. ^

" Aren't we too honest?"

^Would you like me to describe my intentions and motives in a looooong and triring manner or a short and simple one? ^

"The short one please."

^I thought so. I come to find you to tell you that your gorilla undumpedly walking to his death. ^

"... Didn't you said you will be simple? "

^This man is really... *sigh*
As you alredy know he trying to kill the new S rank hunter Sung Jin-woo. But when he thought that he died in a red gate he lashed his anger on his father that was found in a gate. He even make a false confession that he a humanoid monster. When he found out that Sung Jin-woo is still alive he started to plan to kill him. If he continues to do so he will die. Are you get it? ^


^Don't tell me.. You want to hear an even simply answer!? .. ^

"How did you know all of this? Are you can see the past and future? What are you?"

^Hmmm.... Yes and no and to what I am... You wouldn't believe even if I tell you. But becouse I like you I will give you a lil hint, that I'm not a monster nor human.^

"Why are you telling me these things and what made you thing I will belive you?"

^I come her to protect the humans. And if you don't believe me than your guilt and many other inocence people will die because of that stupid gorilla fault! And I believe that you have a fine brain and your heart in the right place. ^

At her word Andre was a little touched.

^Not to mention now that you know all of this if you still didn't stop him it will be your fault if those people die. ^

"pfuhahahaha... You're really amusing little pupper!"

^I'm not little! My true form much bigger! ...... If you still saying stuff like that I will not help you next time! ^

"pft... Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean it in a bad way!"

^hump... Now go. Your assistance confused and paniching becouse you still didn't get back. ^

Andre looked at his car direction then turned back. By then the little dog disappeared.


^Don't call me that! I will bit you. ^


... What an amusing personality. She had a Childish side but those temping voice definitely belong to a beauty. If I have luck next time I will see her in human form...

"Now let's go home. I have 1 more think to do in my bucket list."


(A/n: y/n new skill in truest her detection skill evolved version.

When used a map will pop up in front of you. It not only visualize the targets but also the topography with detals. You can move it and zoom.]

p.s. And if you guy's thinking that their link is the couse Jin-woo feeling, you're half right. It's made him think positively to the other party but not make him like someone. Y/n liked him from the begining so it didn't change anything in her.)

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