Transformation/Alone Again

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       When I opened my eyes again, I was freezing, yet discovered that I had around four or five blankets placed on top of me, doing nothing to keep out the icy chill in my bones. I heard Alcina's voice angrily from somewhere close by, and dimly realized I was inside of her room, nestled in her bed. "Yes, Mother Miranda, I am aware of the possible outcome of such a decision! However, I cannot just stand by and watch her life slip away! No, I am not questioning your knowledge of such things.. Yes, I understand that all mortals slip away so quickly, but Alexandria- Please, Mother Miranda, I beg of you, allow me to save her. I will assume full responsibility for whatever may happen. Thank you for your generosity in this situation.." I heard a loud noise that I assumed was a phone being slammed down onto a receiver, and then, Alcina muttered a stream of curses under her breath, the sound of a chair scraping loudly against the wooden floor accompanying it. I heard a quiet voice ask, "What has Mother Miranda instructed be done with her?"

          Silence went on for a few moments, and then, Alcina replied, "She is wary to allow me to save her, given the possibility of severe mutation that may occur. I understand the consequences of what I wish to do, but simply doing nothing after all the happiness she has brought all of us seems cruel and unnecessary. I still don't quite understand what happened to her, but it is my fault. I am the one who told her to journey to the village- I should have known not to let her out of my sight. Just look at the state she is in, Donna.. She is broken beyond the power of any doctor saving her, and not even the warmest of blankets in the whole castle are warming her. She is slipping farther away with every passing moment.. Mother Miranda finally agreed to allow her to be saved, but in order to do so, I must take responsibility for any damage my actions cause. I only wish that saving her would not cause her further pain.."

           I made a quiet noise of pain, the cold numbness pierced by burning agony every now and then, and I heard Angie's voice exclaim, "She's awake!", and a cold hand with a lacy sleeve attached to it slipped into mine, alerting me that Donna was nearby. Alcina sighed, and I heard her mutter, "Do your best to hold her still if you can, for though it has been centuries, I still can remember the excruciating agony of the transformation. She may come to hate me for it afterwards, but she does not deserve to die." My brain felt as if there were clouds running around inside of it, causing me to be confused. What was Alcina going to do? Why was it so cold? What had Mother Miranda agreed to? I felt a bit scared, as Alcina's gloved hand gently gripped my jaw, and tilted my head to the side, brushing hair away from my skin, and whispered, "I am truly sorry for what you are about to go through, dear one, but I must save you. You are a part of this family, and we cannot lose you, even if you despise us upon awakening."

             That was the last thing she said to me, before I felt sharp pain in my throat, and tasted my own blood yet again, choking on it, then tasted something different, like a vintage wine with a hint of spice sliding down my throat, and I instinctively swallowed, desperate to breathe. Nothing happened for a few moments, and then, the agony I had felt before was increased a thousand times, as if fire itself was burning in my veins, my whole body seizing from the pain, spasming on the bed. I felt slender hands grip my wrists with surprising force, pinning me down as if to keep me from hurting myself, and I heard screaming as if from far away, then realized the screams were my own. It was never-ending, a continuous wave of burning, searing pain, and I wondered why I wouldn't just die, if only to make the pain end.

              Eventually, the pain lessened, though it was still not gone, and I quieted down slightly, settling for crying, instead of screaming. Alcina's voice whispered, "It's almost over, darling, I promise.. You are doing so well, compared to many others who went through this process. You should rest now, and when you awaken, the pain will be gone, and I will be here with you, no matter how you turn out." I was still confused as to what she was talking about, but couldn't dwell on it for long, my eyes closing on their own, too heavy to keep open, darkness descending upon me, along with the sinking, terrifying feeling that my body was changing, though that may have been a fever induced hallucination. As I fell into unconsciousness, I felt Alcina's hand stroking my hair, as she hummed what seemed to be a lullaby, causing me to not feel so afraid of whatever was happening to me..

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