The Lords Convene/Hunters

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When I awoke, I felt Alcina's arms still around me, her soft breaths telling me she was asleep. I wasn't sure what had awoken me for a moment, then felt my breath catch in my throat as I saw a familiar veiled head peeking through the doorway, instantly shoving myself closer to Alcina, my body shaking. Why was Donna standing there? What was her reason for watching us while we were sleeping? Strong, warm arms wrapped around me reassuringly, and soft lips ghosted across the skin of my throat, causing me to shiver at the tingles that shot through my body. "Mm, what are you doing awake, dear one? You should be resting." I replied, "Donna is watching us, my love. Has she come to kill me, I wonder?"

            That captured Alcina's attention, her body instantly tensing up, and her arms pulled me firmly against her chest, her hands hastily pulling the covers around my naked form, as her head whipped towards the door faster than I could blink. I thought perhaps she had seen Donna as I had, but as my eyes landed upon the door once again, I found that she had been replaced by Heisenberg, a smug smirk upon his face, as his eyes looked me up and down like some hungry beast. "You shall not lay a finger upon Alexandria, Heisenberg, or you will lose certain body parts that you hold dear." The rage in her voice seemed to shock him, an honest expression of pure confusion ghosting across his features, and he seemed to turn pale, as her claws extended outwards, her hands blocking his view of me, and she was careful to keep the sharp metal away from my skin.

         Heisenberg rolled his eyes, and seemed to growl, like the Lycans he seemed so fond of, and he muttered, "As if I want to touch your precious girlfriend, you super sized bitch. Though from what I saw, I might enjoy touching her." He smirked as a growl tore its way from his sister. "You get pissed off so easily. It's hilarious to get under that thick skin of yours.. But I'm not the only one here. All of us came to this shithole to discuss a new fucking problem in the village. One that was likely brought here because of her murdering those assholes." I shuddered at the mention of the horrid men I had killed, and the memories of what had happened after, knowing I would likely never be able to erase the memory of Alcina's hatred-filled voice insulting me like I was nothing to her.

Alcina grimaced, and muttered, "Of course all of you had to enter my home uninvited. You and that horrific doll of our sister's had better be on your best behavior. Alexandria has had quite enough stress the past few days, and I won't allow any of you to upset her. Is that understood, little brother?" Heisenberg groaned, and rolled his eyes. "Fine, Your Majesty.. Your wish is my command, you royal pain in my ass. Stupid rules.." He stormed off, slamming the door shut behind him, and I snuggled against Alcina, not wanting to get up, enjoying just being held in her arms. "Let's stay here awhile longer, my love. Please? Just a few more moments at least.." Her lips ghosted across my forehead, and her warm breath misted across my face as she sighed. "How I wish we could, dear one. I would give anything to stay in bed all day with you, but if we do not go downstairs soon, they are sure to destroy our home."

I sighed, and gently moved away from her a bit, slipping my fingers through her soft hair, wishing she would keep it down, but knew she had appearances to keep in front of her siblings. Maintaining her status as the calmest and most elegant of them all was likely her reasoning for acting the way she did most of the time. Only around me or her daughters would she ever let down her guard, and allow us to peer through the curtain at her vulnerability. "Let me see your wounds, love.. I need to make sure they aren't becoming infected." She did as she was told, lifting her nightgown over her head, neatly folding it, and placed it on her pillows, likely to wear later on. I carefully unwound her bandages, softly placing kisses against her skin, and felt shock shoot through my body as I saw nothing but very faint scars underneath. I had known creatures such as us healed quickly, but the rate at which she had healed was extraordinary, to say the least..

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